Advocacy Actions

2020-03-12 > Beijing

Comments to Mofcom on the Administrative Measures for the Public Disclosure of E-commerce Information (Draft for Comments).

Submitted comments to Mofcom on the Administrative Measures for the Public Disclosure of E-commerce Information (Draft for Comments).

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2020-03-12 > All chapters

Comments to MOFCOM on Measures for the Administration of E-commerce Information Publicity (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber very much welcomes the MOFCOM's decision to collect opinions on the "Measures for the Administration of E-commerce Information Publicity (Draft for Comments)". Upon careful study of the draft and consultation with its members, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, led by its Legal and Compliance Working Group, has collated all member inputs and submitted suggestions to the MOFCOM for their consideration.

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2020-03-10 > Beijing

Lobby letter to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce regarding an unfair competition case facing the industry

Submitted a lobby letter to Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce regarding an unfair competition case facing the industry.

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2020-01-02 > All chapters

Comments to Ministry of Finance on the draft Consumption Tax Law of the People's Republic of China

Finance & Taxation, GA Forum, Fashion & Leather desk, Agriculture, Food and Beverage Working Group jointly submitted comments to the Ministry of Finance on the Consumption Tax Law of the People's Republic of China (Draft for Comments)

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2019-12-13 > Beijing

Meeting with CCPIT on 4th Quarter Survey on Chinese Investment Environment

Chamber representatives attended the meeting organised by CCPIT for communicating operational challenges facing by foreign enterprises in doing business in China and collecting suggestions from them to improvement the business environment.

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2019-12-12 > All chapters

Survey on access to standardisation activities

From 2nd to 12th December, the Standards and Conformity Assessment Working Group, along with other relevant Working Groups, launched a survey to better understand the issues with access to standardisation activities of European businesses.

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2019-10-18 > All chapters

“Rule of Law is the Best Business Environment”: President Wuttke and Working Group Representatives Meet with NPCLAC Vice Chairman Liu Junchen

On 18th October, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke and representatives from the Legal and Competition, Information and Communication Technology, Healthcare Equipment, and Automotive working groups, Cybersecurity Sub-working Group, Paediatric Nutrition Advisory Committee and the Fashion and the Leather Advisory Committee met with Liu Junchen, vice chair, Legislative Affairs Commission, Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPALAC).

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2019-10-17 > All chapters

European Chamber President Wuttke and Working Group Representatives Meets with Vice Minister Tian Shihong, State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR)

On 17th October, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke led a delegation to meet with Dr Tian Shihong, vice minister of the State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and administrator of the Standardisation Administration of China (SAC).

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2019-09-18 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the State Administrative of Market Regulation (SAMR) on the Regulations on Proper Exercise of Discretion in the Imposition of Administrative Penalties

The European Chamber's Legal & Competition, and Fashion & Leather working group submitted collated comments to the SAMR on the Regulations on Proper Exercise of Discretion in the Imposition of Administrative Penalties by Administrative Departments for Market Regulation.

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2019-07-23 > Beijing

Meeting with Shanghai Customs

Had a meeting with the Division of Commodity Inspection of Shanghai Customs for enhanced understanding on inspection policy and implementation process with regards to inspection of fashion and leather products.

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