Advocacy Actions

2018-12-29 > Beijing

Comments to the CDR’s “Guideline for the Formatting of the Regular Risk Assessment Report by the Medical Devices (MAH)”

On 27 November 2018, the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation has initiated a public consultation on “Guideline for the Formatting of the Regular Risk Assessment Report by the Medical Devices (MAH)”.

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2018-12-29 > Beijing

Meeting with the Center for Drug Re-evaluation for implementing Order#1 of SAMR

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group and European Coordination Committee of the Radiological, Electromedical And Healthcare IT Industry (COCIR) visited the Center for Drugs (Medical Devices) Re-evaluation (CDR) of National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) on 29th December 2018.

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2018-12-28 > Beijing

Comments to the CDR’s “Guideline for the Re-evaluation of Medical Devices”

On 27 November 2018, the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation has initiated a public consultation on “Guideline for the Re-evaluation of Medical Devices”.

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2018-12-27 > Beijing

Comments to the CDR’s “Guideline for the Risk Assessment by the Medical Device Market Authorisation Holder (MAH)”

On 27 November 2018, the Centre for Drug Re-evaluation has initiated a public consultation on “Guideline for the Risk Assessment by the Medical Device Market Authorisation Holder (MAH)”.

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2018-12-06 > Beijing

Chamber Presents Position Paper to State Medical Insurance Administration (SMIA)

On 6th December, a Chamber delegation was received by Mr Shi Zihai, Vice Commissioner of the State Medical Insurance Administration (SMIA, also known as the National Healthcare Security Administration). At the meeting, Vice Commissioner Shi gave an overview of SMIA’s structural organisation and recent work priorities, including the reforming the list of medicines covered by national medical insurance and payment and procurement pilot programs.

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