Advocacy Actions

2024-01-26 > Beijing

Meeting with the director of the NHC Food Nutrition Division

On 26th January 2024, the secretary of the European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk and Food for Special Medical Purposes Advisory Committee visited Jingyu Dong, the director of the NHC Food Nutrition Division.

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2024-01-17 > Beijing

Meeting held by the CFSA to discuss the interpretation of GB 25596

On 17th January 2024, the European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk and Food for Special Medical Purposes Advisory Committee participated in a government meeting with Liang Dong from the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) to discuss the draft of the National Food Safety Standard General Standard on Infant Formulae for Special Medical Purposes (GB 25596) interpretation with the representatives of industry.

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2024-01-15 > Beijing

Call for Comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021) (Draft for Approval)

On January 15th, the AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Committee submitted collated comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021) (Draft for Approval).

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2023-12-20 > Beijing

FSMP Advisory Committee Advocacy Letter to SAMR on the Draft for Discussion of Registration Management Measures of FSMP

On December 20th, the FSMP Advisory Committee of the European Chamber sent an advocacy letter to SAMR on the Draft for Discussion of Registration Management Measures of Food for Special Medical Purposes.

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2023-12-12 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to SAMR on the Implementation of GB 23350-2021 Restrictions on Excessive Packaging Requirements for Food and Cosmetics and its second amendment

On December 12th, the AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Council submitted to SAMR Standardisation Department an advocacy letter on the implementation of GB 23350-2021 Restrictions on Excessive Packaging Requirements for Food and Cosmetics and its second amendment.

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2023-12-12 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to NHC on Setting Grace Period for the Implementation of GB 25596 National Food Safety Standard General Rules of Infant Formulae for Special Medical Purposes

On December 12th, the Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Council submitted an advocacy letter to NHC Food Safety Standardisation and Monitoring Department on setting grace period of the implementation of GB 25596 National Food Safety Standard General Rules of Infant Formulae for Special Medical Purposes.

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2023-12-11 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to CFSA on Setting Grace Period for the Implementation of GB 25596 National Food Safety Standard General Rules of Infant Formulae for Special Medical Purposes

On December 11th, the Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Council submitted an advocacy letter to CFSA on setting grace period of the implementation of GB 25596 National Food Safety Standard General Rules of Infant Formulae for Special Medical Purposes.

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2023-12-05 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to MIIT on the Implementation of GB 23350-2021 Restrictions on Excessive Packaging Requirements for Food and Cosmetics and its second amendment

On December 5th, the AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Council submitted to MIIT Technology Department and Consumer Goods Department an advocacy letter on the implementation of GB 23350-2021 Restrictions on Excessive Packaging Requirements for Food and Cosmetics and its second amendment.

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2023-11-29 > Beijing

Call for Comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021) (Second Round of Draft for Comment)

On November 29th, the AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Committee submitted collated comments on Revision No. 2 of the National Standard of Restricting Excessive Packaging of Commodities Food and Cosmetics (GB 23350-2021) (Second Round of Draft for Comment)

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2023-11-29 > Beijing

Call for Comments on National Food Safety Standard Tumour Nutrient-Complete Formula (Draft for Comments)

On 29th November, the FSMP Advisory Committee of the European Chamber submitted the collated comments on National Food Safety Standard Tumour Nutrient-Complete Formula (Draft for Comments).

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