Advocacy Actions

2022-06-28 > Beijing

European Chamber FSMP AC and PN Desk Submitted Comments on GB13432 to the CFSA

On 28th June, the Food for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP) Advisory Committee (AC) and Paediatric Nutrition (PN) Desk have submitted comments to the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) on the draft GB13432-2013 National Food Safety Standard Labeling of Prepackaged Foods for Special Dietary Uses.

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2022-06-24 > All chapters

European Chamber AFB Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, FSMP Advisory Committee and PN Desk submitted letters to the NHC and SARM on GB7718

On 24th June 2022, the Agriculture, Food and Beverage (AFB) Working Group, Dairy Industry Desk, Food for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP) Advisory Committee (AC) and Paediatric Nutrition (PN) Desk submitted letters to the National Health Commission (NHC) and the State Administration of Market Regulation (SAMR) to address the concerns on the newly introduced requirement on labelling respectively.

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2022-06-16 > Beijing

FSMP AC submitted comments on the draft GB29922

On 16th June, European Chamber Food for Special Medical Purpose Advisory Committee (FSMP AC) submitted comments on the draft standard GB29922 National Food Safety Standard General Rules for Foods for Special Medical Purposes to the China National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA).

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2022-04-14 > Beijing

Attended an Industry Consultation Session Organised by the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) on the Revision of the National Food Safety Standard General Guideline for Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP)

On 14th April 2022, the European Chamber attended an industry consultation session organised by the CFSA on the revision of the National Food Safety Standard General Guideline for FSMP (GB29922).

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2022-03-23 > Beijing

Meeting with Desk members and representatives from the China National Centre for Food Safety Risk Assessment (CFSA) on the Revision of the National Food Safety Standard General Guideline for Foods for Special Medical Purposes (FSMP)

On 23rd March 2022, the European Chamber held a meeting with FSMP Desk members and representatives from the CFSA on the revision of the National Food Safety Standard General Guideline for FSMP (GB 29922).

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2022-01-12 > Beijing

Meeting with Agriculture Counsellors of EU Delegation and Member States on GACC Decree 248 and infant formula issue

European Chamber representatives attended the EU Member States Agriculture Counsellors monthly meeting. During the meeting, participants shared the latest status of the registration of food producers from their respective countries under GACC Decree 248 (The Regulation on Registration Administration of Overseas Manufactures of Imported Foods) and Decree 249 (The Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Import and Export Food Safety), and discussed remaining and emerging issues related to the implementation of these two Decrees. European Chamber exchanged views with Agriculture Counsellors regarding possible solutions to the problems faced by the Industry. In addition, participants also shared the latest updates on infant formula recipe registration.

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2021-12-21 > Beijing

European Chamber Meeting with MOFCOM and GACC on the implementation of GACC Decree 248

European Chamber representative attended the meeting regarding the implementation of GACC Decree 248 (The Regulation on Registration Administration of Overseas Manufactures of Imported Foods) and Decree 249 (The Measures of the People's Republic of China for the Administration of Import and Export Food Safety), organised by MOFCOM and GACC.

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2021-12-21 > Beijing

EU-China 2nd online seminar on the implementation of GACC Decree 248

The EU and China sides held the 2nd online seminar on the implementation of Decree 248 to provide further clarification on questions and issues raised by the EU Member States and European companies. Representatives from the EU Commission, EU Delegation, EU Member States Agricultural Counsellors, EU industry associations as well as European Chamber attended the meeting and had a fruitful discussion.

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2021-12-15 > Beijing

Meeting with Agriculture Counsellors of EU Delegation and Member States on GACC Decree 248 and Infant Formula Recipe Registration

European Chamber representatives participated the EU Member States Agricultural Counsellors monthly meeting. During the meeting, participants exchanged with each other the latest updates and discussed concerns on the implementation of Decree 248 (Regulation on the Registration and Administration of Overseas Manufactures of Imported Foods), Decree 249 (The Measures for the Administration of Import and Export Food Safety) and the operation of the new CIFER system. European Chamber shared concerns collected from the industry regarding this issue and provided insights on how to facilitate the registration of European food producers. In addition, participants also shared the latest updates on infant formula recipe registration.

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2021-12-01 > Beijing

Meeting with Mr. Ramunas Freigofas, First Counsellor for Health and Food Safety of EU Delegation to China

European Chamber representatives from agriculture, EU affairs, food and beverage, cosmetics, healthcare equipment, pharmaceutical sectors, met with Mr. Ramunas Freigofas, First Counsellor for Health and Food Safety of EU Delegation to China to exchange work priorities of both sides and plan for further cooperation.

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