Advocacy Actions

2021-03-31 > Beijing

Comment on National Food Safety Standard Safety Evaluation Process for Food Strains (Draft for Comment)

Following the public consultation initiated by the National Health Commission, European Chamber submitted comments on National Food Safety Standard Safety Evaluation Process for Food Strains (Draft for Comment).

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2021-03-29 > Beijing

Seminar on the Revision of National Food Safety Standard Infant Food for Special Medical Purpose (GB 25596)

On March 29, European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Advisory Committee were invited to join the meeting organized by Centre for Food Safety Assessment (CFSA) to discuss the revision draft of National Food Safety Standard Infant Food for Special Medical Purpose (GB 25596). Ms. Liang Dong and Mr. Qu Pengfeng from CFSA moderated the meeting and learned industry feedback on the revision draft.

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2021-03-26 > South China

CAI Meeting Between EUCCC and Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce

On 26 March 2021, the European Chamber South China Chapter lead by South China Board Chair, George Lau, met with Huang Fei, Director of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation Division of the Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce to discuss the recently agreed upon EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment.

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2021-03-26 > All chapters

European Chamber President discusses the CAI and recent developments with MEP

On Friday, 26th March, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke, Brussels Representative Davide Cucino and Senior Policy and Communications Manager Jacob Gunter met with Member of the European Parliament Inmaculada Rodríguez Piñeiro.

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2021-03-26 > Beijing

Submitted comments to MIIT on the Guide to the Construction of Intelligent Ship Standard System (Draft for Second Round of Comments)

In general, the Guide has a good vision on the future vessels. It covers almost all relevant aspects around intelligent ship from concept to design, verification, and operation. The WG made some suggestions on additional relevant aspects to take into consideration, and to clarify some requirements.

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2021-03-26 > Beijing

Comments to NMPA on International Medical Device Regulators Forum New Work Item

Comments to NMPA on International Medical Device Regulators Forum (IMDRF) New Work Item

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2021-03-26 > Beijing

Meeting with National Climate Change Center

On 26th March, Carbon Market Working Group invited Mr. YU Shengmin from National Climate Change Center to introduce the progress and perspective of National Carbon Market construction.

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2021-03-26 > Shanghai

Discussion and Finalise the Interim Measures on Remanufacturing Management of Auto-Parts with Secretary General Xie Jianjun

Discussion and finalise the Interim Measures on Remanufacturing Management of Auto-Parts with Secretary-General Xie Jianjun

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2021-03-25 > All chapters

European Chamber President presents joint Decoupling Report to BusinessEurope Stakeholders

On 25th March, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke presented the joint European Chamber-MERICS Decoupling Report to a group of representatives from the newly-formed Business Europe Taskforce on Supply Chains.

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2021-03-25 > Beijing

Meeting with Commerce Bureau of Yingkou, a city in Liaoning province

Meeting with Commerce Bureau of Yingkou, a city in Liaoning Province

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