Advocacy Actions

2023-09-24 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets with Commissioner for Environment Virginijus Sinkevicius

On 24th September, a group of European Chamber representatives led by President Jens Eskelund met with Commissioner for Environment Virginijus Sinkevicius.

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2023-09-24 > Shenyang

Secretary General Adam Dunnett Participated the High Level Government Meeting of Liaoning Province

Invited by the Liaoning Provincial People's Government, Mr. Adam DUNNETT, Secretary General of European Chamber, attended a high-level government meeting with presence of Governor Lecheng LI, Vice Governor Weiguo JIN, Provincial Government Secretary General Shouquan FENG, as well as leaders from the Provincial Department of Commerce, Provincial Foreign Affairs Office, and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Liaoning Province on September 24th 2023.

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2023-09-23 > Shanghai

European Chamber President Jens Eskelund Spoke at the 2023 Bund Summit

On 23rd September, President Jens Eskelund spoke at a closed-door luncheon titled 'Global Supply Chains: Evolution and Implications', at the 2023 Bund summit.

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2023-09-23 > Beijing

Intellectual Property Rights Working Group Chair Mr Bai Yajun Speaks about 2023/2024 Position Paper at CCPIT Global Business and Law Conference

On 23rd September, Intellectual Property Rights Working Group Chair Mr Bai Yajun participated in an onstage discussion at the Rule of Law and Innovation Forum of the Global Business and Law Conference hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT).

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2023-09-23 > Shanghai

European Chamber Financial Services representatives meet with EU Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis

On 23rd September, a group of European Chamber representatives, especially focusing on financial setvices, led by Beijing Vice President Mr. Bruno Weill and Shanghai Chapter President Mr. Carlo D'Andrea met European Commission Executive Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, disucssing on a package of issues EU financial services come cross in China.

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2023-09-22 > South China

Vice Chair of the SME Forum spoke at the Sino-German (European) SME Communication & Cooperation Conference

On September 22, 2023, Danica Mai, Vice Chair of the European Chamber's SME Forum, spoke at the Sino-German (European) SME Communication & Cooperation Conference (SMEC). She addressed key challenges European SMEs face in China, such as financing access, regulatory complexities, and local-level intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement.

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2023-09-22 > Tianjin

European Chamber President Meets with Tianjin Development and Reform Commission and Commerce Bureau at the Chamber 3rd Carbon Neutrality Conference

The European Chamber Tianjin Chapter organized the 3rd Carbon Neutrality Conference on Friday and Saturday, September 22-23 2023. President Jens Eskelund who led the Chamber delegation met with Deputy Director General Chen Weizhong, Tianjin Development and Reform Commission and Deputy Director General Liang Nan, Tianjin Commerce Bureau. Carbon neutrality actions, green cooperation opportunities between EU business and Tianjin were the main topics. President Eskelund and Tianjin Chapter Chair Schrempp presented the latest published 2023/2024 Position Paper to DDG Chen and DDG Liang.

Carbon Neutrality Conference was initiated in Tianjin in 2020 and it was the 3rd one this year. The purpose of the conference is to give our members and other stakeholders an opportunity to discuss current regulations and policies took in Europe and China as well as the outlook for international cooperation in decarbonization. In 2023, the conference theme was on shaping a world of trust on the journey of decarbonization.

Deputy Director General Chen spoke at the Conference on Tianjin's overall plan of decarbonization. Energy efficiency would be the focus in future years for Tianjin government while making lots of efforts to be made to increase the supply of local green electricity. Topics related to green financing, green supply chains and green construction were also being touched in the speeches and panel on the event on September 22.

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2023-09-22 > Beijing

EU SME Centre Advocacy Platform spoke at the Sino-German (European) SME Communication & Cooperation Conference

On September 22, 2023, Susana Xu, Advocacy Coordinator of the EU SME Centre, spoke at the Sino-German (European) SME Communication & Cooperation Conference (SMEC). She introduced the EU SME Centre and its services, the 2023 SME Policy Environment Report, and the key challenges European SMEs face in China, such as access to financing, red tape, cashflow issues and intellectual property rights (IPR) enforcement.

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2023-09-21 > Beijing

Exclusive Dialogue with Executive Deputy Director Yin Yisheng from Office of the Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC)

On 21st September, the European Chamber held an exclusive dialogue with Mr Yin Yisheng, Executive Deputy Director from Office of the Leading Group for Comprehensively Deepening Reform of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC). Representatives from nearly 50 enterprises, ambassies and associations attended the event.

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2023-09-21 > All chapters

Vice President Klaus Zenkel Meets with Shandong Vice Governor Zhou Liwei at SMEC

On September 21st, Mr. Klaus Zenkel, Vice President of the European Chamber and Chair of the South China Chapter, attended a VIP session during the Sino-German (European) SME Communication & Cooperation Conference (SMEC) in Jinan, Shandong. The session was hosted by Shandong Vice Governor, Mr. Zhou Liwei.

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