Advocacy Actions

2020-09-07 > Beijing

Meeting with Department of European Affairs, Ministry of Commerce

On 7th September, European Chamber met with Department of European Affairs of Ministry of Commerce.

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2020-09-07 > Beijing, Shanghai

Lunch with Mr. Lyndon Chao

Lunch to follow up on previous discussions with Mr. Lyndon Chao, Managing Director, Head of Equities and Post Trade at the Asia Securities Industry & Financial Markets Association (ASIFMA).

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2020-09-06 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to MEE on Guidance on the Environmental Management Registration of New Chemical Substances

On 6th September, the European Chamber's Environment and PCR Working Groups submitted input to the MEE on the draft Guidance on the Environmental Management Registration of New Chemical Substances.

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2020-09-05 > Beijing

Comments to the NHSA's Draft Regulation on Outpatient Reimbursement

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted Comments to the National Healthcare Security Administration's (NHSA's) draft regulation "Establishing and Improving the Outpatient Mutual Aid Guarantee Mechanism of Basic Medical Insurance for Employees".

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2020-09-05 > Beijing, Southwest China

Seminar on Measuring and Evaluating IVD Medical Devices and Related Policies

The Sichuan Medical Device Clinical Monitoring and Evaluation Centre and the Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group jointly hold a seminar on "Measuring and Evaluating In-vitro Diagnostics (IVD) Medical Devices and Related Policies".

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2020-09-04 > Beijing

Meeting with the Special Food Administration Department of the SAMR on base powder labeling

Following the previous lobby letter submitted by the Paediatric Nutrition Desk on base powder labeling issue, the Special Food Administration Department of the State Administration for Market Regulation invited representatives from the PN Desk to have a dialogue on this topic. Mr. Fuxiang MA, Deputy Director-General of the Special Food Administration Department, Ms. Xiaoyu LI, Director of Infant Formula Registration Division and Ms. Xiaoyi LIU, Researcher of Infant Formula Registration Division welcomed the delegation and shared their views on the requirement of base powder labeling.

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2020-09-04 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the NHSA on the Code of Practice for Pharmaceutical Prices and Tendering and Procurement Credit Evaluation (Draft for Comments) and the Discretion Benchmark for Pharmaceutical Prices and Tendering and Procurement Credit Evaluation (Draft for C

Comments to NHSA on the Code of Practice for Pharmaceutical Prices and Tendering and Procurement Credit Evaluation (Draft for Comments) and the Discretion Benchmark for Pharmaceutical Prices and Tendering and Procurement Credit Evaluation (Draft for Comments)

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2020-09-04 > Beijing, Southwest China

Meeting with the Sichuan Health Commission on Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with the Sichuan Health Commission on Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices.

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2020-09-03 > South China

BCS Meeting with the Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce

On 3 September, the European Chamber lead by South China Board Member, Fabian Blake, met with Counsel Cao Zhicong representing the Guangzhou Bureau of Commerce to discuss the findings of the 2020 Business Confidence Survey.

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2020-09-03 > Beijing, Southwest China

Meeting with Sichuan Healthcare Security Administration on Market Access of Disposable Medical Devices

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group hold a meeting with Sichuan Healthcare Security Administration on volume-based procurement and pricing reform of medical services.

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