Advocacy Actions

2019-08-13 > Shanghai

Meeting with Chairman of Shanghai Association of Foreign Investment Huang Feng

European Chamber General Manager Dr. Ioana Kraft met with Mr. Feng HUANG, chairman of Shanghai Association of Foreign Investment.

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2019-08-12 > Beijing

Meeting with Seretary General of the Full Decoration Council of China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (CRECC)

Full Decoration Council of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce (CRECC)

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2019-08-12 > Beijing

Attend and speak at the PCCPL Seminar on the Anti-monopoly Law (AML) in the Automotive Industry

Anti-monopoly Guideline in the Automotive Industry (AML Guideline)

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2019-08-09 > All chapters

Comments to the National Development and Reform Commission on Regulations on Optimizing Business Environment (Draft for Comments)

On 9th Aug., the European Chamber submitted collated comments to the National Development and Reform Commission on Regulations on Optimizing Business Environment (Draft for Comments).

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2019-08-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Personal Information Security Specification (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber's ICT and Cybersecurity working groups submitted collated comments to TC260 on the Personal Information Security Specification (Draft for Comments).

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2019-08-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on Guidelines for Personal Information Security Engineering

The European Chamber's ICT and Cybersecurity working groups submitted collated comments to TC260 on the Guidelines for Personal Information Security Engineering (Draft for Comments).

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2019-08-08 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to National Information Security Standardisation Technical Committee (TC260) on General Requirements for Information System Cryptography Application

The European Chamber's ICT and Cybersecurity working groups submitted collated comments to TC260 on General Requirements for Information System Cryptography Application (Draft for Comments).

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2019-08-06 > Beijing

Comments to the NHSA's draft 'Administration of the Reimbursement Catalogue'

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group submitted comments to the National Health Security Administration's (NHSA's) draft 'Administration of the Reimbursement Catalogue'

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2019-08-05 > Shanghai

Meeting with Shanghai People's Congress Vice Chairman Sha Hailin

On 5th August, Ioana Kraft, general manager of the European Chamber Shanghai Chapter received Hailin Sha, vice chair of the Shanghai People’s Congress and the newly appointed president of the Shanghai People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries.

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2019-08-05 > Beijing

Meeting with the Irish Embassy on Healthcare in China

The Healthcare Equipment (HCE) Working Group had a meeting with Mr John Lynam, Head of Economic Section, of the Embassy of Ireland, on development of the healthcare market in China and the challenges for the Medical Device Industry.

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