Advocacy Actions

2020-04-20 > Beijing, Shanghai

Submitted comments to MIIT on Catalogue of Monitored Chemicals

On 20th April, the Environment and Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining working groups sent comments to MIIT on Catalogue of Monitored Chemicals (Draft for Comments).

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2020-04-20 > Beijing

Lobby letter to the Food Evaluation Centre, the SAMR on infant formual and FSMP registration issue during COVID-19

European Chamber Paediatric Nutrition Desk and FSMP Desk submitted a lobby letter to the Food Evaluation Centre, the SAMR on infant formual and FSMP registration issue during COVID-19.

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2020-04-20 > All chapters

Comments on MIIT Administrative Measure on the Production of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

The Aviation and Aerospace Working Group submitted comments on MIIT Administrative Measure on the Production of Civil Unmanned Aerial Vehicle.

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2020-04-20 > Beijing

Comments to the NMPA's Public Consultation on the Catalogue of Classification of Medical Device

On 20 April, the medical device sector submitted comments to the National Medical Products Administration's (NMPA) public consultation on the Catalogue of Classification of Medical Device.

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2020-04-20 > All chapters

comments to NEA NDRC on Notice of Strengthening and Regulating the Grid Planning and Investment Management

Energy WG submitted on the Notice of Strengthening and Regulating the Grid Planning and Investment Management

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2020-04-17 > Beijing

Meeting with the official from EASA for supporting and promoting APP project

Under the current situation , the European aviation companies are very worried about the direction of the industry, meanwhile they concern much about the strategy and plan of EU- China aviation partnership .

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2020-04-17 > All chapters

Advocacy Letter to Foreign Investment Department, Ministry of Commerce on Recent Issues

On 17th April, an advocacy letter was sent to Deputy Division Director Wu Di, Foreign Investment Department, Ministry of Commerce (Mofcom). Following topics were mentioned in the letter:

There are restrictive policies that have significantly impacted foreign business communities and their families in China in a negative manner. For example, the recent travel restrictions on resident foreigners—who are taxpayers and active members of various local communities in China—issued on 26th March, has made it impossible for many top management teams and experts, as well as their families, to return to their lives in China. This has led to delays and inefficiencies in many companies and has impacted investment decisions, while also putting resident families under considerable strain.

Another issue is the recent notice jointly issued by the MOFCOM, the NMPA and the General Administration of Customs (GACC), on the export qualification required by manufacturers of medical equipment. The new requirement blocks the ongoing export of medical equipment manufactured by our members, which is urgently needed outside China. There needs to be a more predictable and practicable way of ensuring the good standards of medical goods in China, to ensure the purchase of these goods by European companies that are actively facilitating the delivery of masks and other items to their respective home regions.

In addition, Chamber’s members in the automotive sector are facing difficulties with the upcoming deadline to comply with the national standard on emission GUO VI. A letter was sent to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) as well as the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) two weeks ago, and our members are looking forward to a response so that they can plan their businesses accordingly. Last but not least, Chamber’s members in the financial services sector are reaching out to the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission (CBIRC). They hope that it could quickly agree to a few targeted amendments, within the current regulatory framework, which would enable European banks to provide significantly more support to their corporate clients’ operations in China at a time when they need it the most.

As Mofcom's assigned contact person for European Chamber, Deputy Division Director Wu Di reached out to relevant departments immediately and reported the issues to Vice Minister Wang Shouwen. For further updates, Mr Wu will inform the Chamber in a timely manner.

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2020-04-17 > Beijing

Advocacy Letter to the Ministry of Commerce on China's Export Management Measures for Anti-COVID 19 Medical Device

On 17 April, the medical device sector sent an advocacy letter to the Ministry of Commerce on China's export management measures for anti-COVID 19 medical device.

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2020-04-16 > National

Policy Briefing with Shandong Provincial Government: Latest updates on support measures and 2020 Work Priorities

Policy Briefing with Shandong Provincial Government Latest updates on support measures and 2020 Work Priorities

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2020-04-16 > Beijing, Shanghai

Comments to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on the Administrative Regulation on Radio Transmission Equipment (Draft for Comments)

The European Chamber submitted Comments to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) on the Administration Regulation on Radio Transmission Equipment (Draft for Comments).

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