Advocacy Actions

2022-10-11 > Beijing

Teleconference with the Liaoning Medical Device Test Institute (LMTI) for LMTI Tour

Teleconference with the Liaoning Medical Device Test Institute (LMTI) for LMTI Tour target to be in December 2022

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2022-10-11 > Beijing

Environment Working Group Met with Mr Laurent Bardon, Head of the Sustainability and Green Transition section, EU Delegation to China

On 11th October 2022, the Chair and Vice Chair of Environment Working Group and Head of Government Affairs met with Mr Laurent Barbon, Head of the Sustainability and Green Transition section, EU Delegation to China.

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2022-10-11 > Beijing, Shanghai

Working Group Meeting on Green Shipbuilding with China Waterborne Transport Research Institute of Ministry of Transport

The European Chamber Maritime Manufacturing & Industrial Services and International Liner Shipping Working Groups were glad to invite Mr Mr Ji Yongbo, Director, Shipping Center, China Waterborne Transport Research Institute, Ministry of Transport to present green shipping policy trends under 14 Five year Plan of China.

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2022-10-10 > Beijing

Beijing's 14th Five-Year Plan for Climate Change and Energy Conservation Policy Interpretation

On 10th October, the European Chamber GA Forum invited policy makers from the Beijing Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau to interpret Beijing’s Planning on facing Climate Change and Energy Conservation, at the meantime, answered members’ concerns and questions.

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2022-10-08 > Beijing

European Chamber submitted comments on the Regulations on Administrative Enforcement Procedures of Cyberspace Authority Department (draft for comments)

On 8th October, European Chamber submitted comments on Regulations on Administrative Enforcement Procedures of Cyberspace Authority Department (draft for comments).

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2022-10-08 > Beijing

Comments to Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on the Industry Standard - Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices- Terminology and Definitions

Healthcare Equipment Working Group collected comments to Centre for Medical Device Evaluation on the Industry Standard - Clinical Evaluation of Medical Devices- Terminology and Definitions.

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2022-10-05 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet with Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the INTA Committee Bernd Lange

On 5th October, a group of European Chamber representatives led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Member of the European Parliament (MEP) and Chair of the Committee on International Trade (INTA) Bernd Lange.

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2022-10-04 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets Mara Steinberga, Foreign Policy Advisor to European Council President Charles Michel

On 4th October, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met Ms Mara Steinberga, Foreign Policy Advisor to European Council President Charles Michel.

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2022-10-03 > All chapters

European Chamber representatives meet Director-General for DG TRADE Sabine Weyand

On 3rd October, a group of European Chamber representatives let with President Joerg Wuttke met with Director-General for DG TRADE Sabine Weyand.

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2022-09-30 > Shanghai

Meeting with SCOFCOM to present the key findings of the Position Paper 2022/2023

On 30th Sep 2022, the European Chamber Vice President (VP) and Shanghai Board Chair Bettina Schoen and Shanghai Chapter General Manager Dr Ioana Kraft, presented the key findings of the Position Paper 2022/2023 to Zhu Yi, Deputy Director General (DDG) of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce (SCOFCOM).

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