The Leadership Meeting for Opening-up Was Held Go back »

2013-01-31 | Southwest China

The Leadership Meeting for Opening-up Was Held on 23rd Jan, Mayor Mr. Ge Honglin held the city’s Leadership Meeting for Opening-up. An overall work summary for 2012 on investment promotion, foreign trade and economic cooperation was made and work plan for 2013 was also discussed. In general, great improvements were made in both aspects in 2012.


     For investment promotion, 26 Fortune Global 500 company began operations in the city in 2012, the   largest  number  in  recent  years,  which  makes  a  total  number  of  233   Fortune  Global  500 companies  settled   in   the   city;   441   key   projects   were   signed,   out   of   which   39   were  invested   by Fortune   Global   500   companies  with  an   increase   of   138.5%;  foreign   investment   in   place   rose   by 31.1% to $8.59bn; domestic investment in place grew by 24.7% to RMB319.8bn; 94 key projects entailing  RMB56.84bn have been signed  for Tianfu   New   Area;  25  key  projects total  up  to RMB20.96bn have been contracted for Northern Chengdu Reconstruction Program.


     For foreign trade and economic cooperation, the total import and export volume achieved $47.54bn, an increase of 24.51% and 19% higher than the national average; the city has been taking the lead in West China in overseas project contracting and labor service cooperation with 27 new contracts signed valued at $1.25bn; services outsourcing has become a fast-growing sector and a new engine for economic growth.


     Meanwhile, new targets in an open economy have also been delivered: in 2013, the city plans to draw  250  Fortune   Global   500   companies  in   total,  attract   $10bn   foreign  investment  and  achieve $50bn for imports and exports.