233 Fortune Global 500 Companies Have Settled in Chengdu by the End of 2012 Go back »

2013-01-31 | Southwest China

By the end of 2012, the number of Fortune Global 500 companies in Chengdu hit a record high of 233 (177 overseas and 56 domestic), making the city on top in Midwest China. According to the details released by Chengdu Investment Promotion Commission, despite negative growth in foreign capital  in   place  of   the   country,   the   city   maintained   a   high   growth   in   both   foreign   and   domestic investment in place thanks to the introduction of 26 Fortune Global 500 companies such as Danone, Nestlé, Schlumberger, Peugeot, etc. In 2012, foreign investment in place reached $8.59bn, a year on year   growth   of   31.1%;   domestic   investment   in   place   increased   by   24.7%   to   RMB319.8bn;   39     projects were invested by  Fortune Global 500 companies  valued at  RMB65.79bn, an increase of 138.5%.

     Up to now, among the 177 foreign Fortune 500 companies with presence in the city, 83 of them have   set   up   116   independent   legal   entities  and  94   have   set   up   110   branches.   For   the   116   legal entities, there are 65 from industry, 3 from agriculture, 48 from services, representing 56%, 3% and 41% respectively.