Business Women in China Forum: A Women’s World, A Better World? Go back »

2013-06-17 | South China

Business Women in China Forum: A Women’s World, A Better World?

On 17th May, 2013, the Business Women In China Forum: A Women’s World, A Better World? was held in Asia-Pacific International Club in Guangzhou. Around 100 people joined this event to listen to the speakers’ insight about women’s role in the business world and how women shape the business world today. The attendants also share their questions and thinkings during panel discussion. The speakers are Ms.Carmen Cano, Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to China, Ms.Danny Hong, Deputy General Manager, BASF Polyurethane (China) Co.Ltd., Ms.Muriel de Saint Sauveur, Mazars Group Diversity Director and Ms.Qianting Ke, Associate Professor, MA student adviser, SunYat-sen University. Ms.Francine Hadjisotiriou, General Manager, European Chamber Pearl River Delta Chapter, was the moderator. This Business Women Forum is an annual event held in Guangzhou and this year is the first time.

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