Liaoning-EUCCC Trade & Economic Cooperation Letter of Intent Go back »

2013-10-23 | Shenyang

Liaoning-EUCCC Trade & Economic Cooperation Letter of Intent

Mr. Wang Liwei, Director of Liaoning MOFTEC and Mr. Florian Schmied, board chair of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter gave the speech. Then Mr. Wang Liwei and Mr. Florian Schmied signed the "Liaoning-EUCCC Trade & Economic Cooperation LOI". After signing ceremony, Mr. Schmied and Miss Gao Shan gave a presentation about European Business in China Position Paper Launching in Northeast of China. Mr.Fang Zhihui, European and African division chief of Liaoning MOFTEC conducted the meeting. Most of the member companies of European Union Chamber of Commerce in China Shenyang Chapter participated the meeting and got the Position Paper. Participants felt the warm atmosphere and got strong confidence about Liaoning economy and the development of EUCCC in Liaoning province.

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