Food Safety: How EU-China cooperation is improving food safety Go back »

2014-05-27 | Shanghai

Food Safety: How EU-China cooperation is improving food safety

The European Chamber and the Consulate General of Belgium in Shanghai invited speakers from the government, academia and industry to discuss EU-China cooperation in the field of food safety.

The event was held on 26th of May, at the HULT Business School in Shanghai. Prof. CAI Wei, Vice Chairman of CPPCC Shanghai Committee, Vice president of Shanghai JiaoTong University and Chairman of the SJTU-Bor S. Luh Food Safety Research Center, opened the event with a keynote speech, followed by Mr. Wu Yanfen, Vice Director, Shanghai Municipal Agricultural Commission. Prof. Dr. Sarah De Saeger, University of Ghent, explored cooperation with China in the field of agriculture and food research and possibilities offered by EU Horizon 2020. Leon Gorris, Ph.D., Regulatory Affairs in North Asia, Unilever R&D Shanghai, and Frank Rasche, CEO, Element Fresh, both presented their best-practices experiences in the field of food safety. The speeches were followed by an extensive Q&A session.