Health Care Reforms in China Go back »

2014-12-11 | Shanghai

Health Care Reforms in China

On 9th December 2014, the European Chamber Shanghai successfully held a breakfast seminar with a special focus on the challenges and opportunities facing foreign hospital investors in China. During the seminar, Professor Hu Shanlian, Director of Shanghai Health Development and Research Center, provided an in-depth analysis of policy development in the healthcare private sector in China; following Professor Hu’s speech, Mr. Andrew Chen,  Healthcare Practice Leader of PwC Shanghai, shared his insights to industry trends and investment in the healthcare market. The last speaker was Mr. Emery Brautigan, CEO of United Family Healthcare Hospital and Clinics( UFH) in the Greater Shanghai Area. Mr. Emery elaborated UFH’s China experiences. The seminar ended up with a lively panel discussion.

For more information please contact

Melanie Ullrich