The First Career Fair by Nanjing Chapter Go back »

2015-03-23 | Nanjing

The First Career Fair by Nanjing Chapter

Almost 100 job vacancies from 15 highly acknowledged foreign companies have attracted more than 1000 graduated students from the most promising Universities in Jiangsu on March 21st to the European Chamber Nanjing first Career fair dedicated to foreign companies.

As the first Career Fair co-hosted by EUCC and Jiangsu Provincial Education Bureau, the general manager Ms.Savegnago, administer of Provincial Education Bureau, Mr.Cai and Mr.Weber Vice, President of BSH as well as EUCC Board, gave inspirational speeches to Chinese students to be engaged in an international career.

A student said: “ This is such a precious opportunity for me to have an interview with foreign employers. In this interview, I get to know that outgoing and positive attitude is fundamental. In addition, the interviewer has pointed out that my dress is my introduction. I’m sure this is also a good lesson for me”.

The interviewer from Saes Getters company, Mr.Mazza points out that students were highly potential for their technical and business competences.

The Jiangsu Public News and The Voice of Jiangsu broadcasted this events. See more picutres, please click here.

The organizers were discussing for a second Job Fair in November hoping that more foreign enterprises will participate.

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