China Manufacturing 2025 Report & Nanjing Board Election 2017 Go back »

2017-04-19 | Nanjing

The China Manufacturing 2025: Putting Industrial Policy Ahead of Market Forces report launch and the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter board election 2017 was held on Tuesday, the 18th of April in Shangri-La hotel Nanjing. 

China Manufacturing 2025 (CM2025) provides a detailed examination of the focus and goals of CM2025 for upgrading China’s industrial base and moving to the forefront in ten industries that the Chinese authorities have identified as future drivers of the economy. It also evaluates the initiative’s ramifications for European business both in China, Europe and third-country markets, and recommendations for adjusting and responding to the initiative are also provided for the Chinese Government, the governments of the European Union Commission and Member States, and European business. Before the report launch, a social media roundtable meeting was held to let more people know the China Manufacturing 2025: Putting Industrial Policy Ahead of Market Forces report and answer journalists’ questions. European Chamber President Mr. Jörg Wuttke and Mr. Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of European Chamber, and Mr. Bernhard Weber, Chair of European Chamber Nanjing Chapter Board attended the meeting. Topics included EU-China cooperation on intelligent manufacturing, how the worldwide wave of intelligent manufacturing influence China’s manufacturing industry, and how foreign enterprises in China cope with China’s intelligent manufacturing development. 

In the afternoon, the board election and CM2025 started. Mr. Zhu Gang, deputy president of Bank of Nanjing, which sponsored the event, gave an opening speech and a short speech was given by Mr. Guesten, Chair for the Area Board Election. Mr. Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of President of European Chamber China and Mr. Bernhard Weber, Board Chair of European Chamber Nanjing gave speeches to share this year’s experience in Chamber in China. Mr. Adam Dunnett, returning officer, introduced the election procedure and each candidate gave a 3 to 5-minute short presentation. In the board election, the Chair and Vice Chair of Nanjing Board and three other Nanjing Board positions were elected. Joerg Wuttke gave a 35-minute speech in China Manufacturing 2025 Launch.