Great Success! 2024 Badminton Summer Tournament Go back »

2024-06-12 | Nanjing

Great Success! 2024 Badminton Summer Tournament

Saturday, 8 June 2023, the 2024 European Chamber Badminton summer tournament was successfully held at Nanjing International School. The tournament features 14 of the best teams from Nanjing International School 南京外籍人员子女学校、BASF-YPC扬子石化巴斯夫、Siemens Numerical Nanjing西门子数控、Epiroc安百拓, Bosch Mobility Automotive博世汽车服务中国, Bosch Huayu Steeing Nanjing博世华域转向南京公司, Fette菲特, Brembo布雷博, Tietoevry叠拓, DB Schenker迪比信可, Diehl Controls代傲电子, EMZ-Hanauer瀚乐电子, Ericsson Nanjing爱立信南京公司, and CTS港中旅华贸物流. Congratulations to everyone for their outstanding performance. 

We are pleased to announce that the winners of our summer badminton tournament:

 1st place – Ericsson Nanjiing

 2nd place- Siemens Nanjing

 3rd place – BASF-YPC

A huge thanks to our honored sponsors too! Nanjing International School and Raffles Medical for the venue and first aid for so many years!

We appreciate all for the time taken from your busy schedules to come along and support us in this event. We wish to continue the same for the forthcoming activities.