Successful Conclusion of the "Four Engines to Energize Teamspirit" Seminar Go back »

2024-08-30 | Shenyang

On 30th August, 2024, the European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, in collaboration with the BVMW, successfully hosted a seminar titled "Four Engines to Energize Teamspirit" at the BVMW German Centre in Shenyang. The event featured a unique leadership training session led by Mr. An Yang, a certified trainer from the British Chartered Institute of Management and an esteemed Eddic training instructor.

The seminar kicked off with an engaging icebreaker, gradually warming up the atmosphere. Mr. An Yang then introduced a corporate relocation case study, guiding participants through a role-playing exercise where they were assigned various roles within a company. As each participant began to tackle their tasks, differing objectives led to lively debates, creating a dynamic workplace simulation. Despite the lack of team cohesion, the one-hour interactive session provided participants with a firsthand experience of the complexities and challenges of team collaboration.

During the debrief, Mr. An Yang facilitated an in-depth discussion on goal-setting, planning, communication, and overcoming challenges within a team. The enthusiastic exchange of ideas helped participants gain a deeper understanding of the relationships between team dynamics, accountability, and organizational performance.

This seminar not only offered participants a distinctive training experience but also inspired them to reflect more deeply on teamwork and leadership. Many attendees expressed that the event was highly beneficial, offering insights that would undoubtedly influence their future work.

For more information please contact

Leo Liu