Local News

2009-04-18 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke on CCTV 4 comments on China's GDP Growth Rate in the First Quarter

Joerg Wuttke commented on China's GDP growth rate in the first quarter

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2009-04-18 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke's Dialogue on CCTV 9 about China's First Quarter Growth and Trade Protectionism

CCTV 9 Dialogue on China's First Quarter Growth and Trade Protectionism

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2009-04-17 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke's Interview with Sina: To Stimulate China's Consumption Can Avoid Trade Protectionism

Prior to the Boao Forum in Hainan, Joerg Wuttke, President of the European Chamber talked with Sina Finance.

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2009-03-09 > Beijing, Shanghai, Southwest China, Nanjing, Shenyang, Tianjin, South China

European Chamber on CCTV 1 7PM News

On CCTV 1's 7PM News on 8th March, President of the European Chamber Joerg Wuttke talked about Chamber members' expectation on the CPPCC and NPC sessions.

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2009-03-07 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke comments on Premier Wen’s Government Work Report on CRI

President of the European Chamber commented on Premier Wen's government work repor

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2009-03-04 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke's Dialogue on CCTV 9 about China's procurement delegation in Europe

CCTV 9 Dialogue about China's procurement delegation in Europe.

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2009-02-16 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke's Dialogue on CCTV 9 about economic nationalism and solutions to financial crisis

A Dialogue on CCTV 9 about economic nationalism and solutions to financial crisis

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2009-02-04 > All chapters

Joerg Wuttke's Dialogue on CCTV 9 about Premier Wen's European Tour

A Dialogue on CCTV 9 about Premier Wen's European Tour

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2006-10-01 > All chapters

Secretary General Talks about China's WTO Partnership on CCTV French Channel

As Secretary General of the European Chamber, Giorgio Magistrlli talked about China's WTO Partnership on CCTV French Channel's "Rencontres" programme.

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