Improving the culture of occupational risk prevention: a priority for Veolia Go back »

2018-09-17 | Beijing

Improving the culture of occupational risk prevention: a priority for Veolia

Driven at the highest level of the Group, Veolia's commitment to protecting the health and safety of all its employees and stakeholders is one of its key values.

"There is a very strong link between health and safety performance and operational performance," explains Frédéric Goetz, Group Occupational Health and Safety Director. "Risk prevention is based on everyone’s day to day involvement. In fact, every employee is both an actor in and ambassador for health and safety at work."

To achieve the "zero accident" objective, Veolia has identified 5 levers:

♦  involve all managers

♦  improve health and safety risk management

♦  improve communication and dialogue

♦  train and involve all employees

♦  monitor and control health and safety performance.

As a result of implementing these actions, over the last 10 years the frequency of workplace accidents has continuously decreased within the Group.

Veolia confirms its desire to make further progress, especially in the following areas:

♦  Developing research and innovation in the field of health and safety to enhance Veolia’s performance and attractiveness

♦  Developing the skills of managers with health and safety roles and training all employees

♦  Applying the Veolia health and safety management standard to share a universal prevention approach

♦  Applying management standards to high-risk activities

♦  Communicating about health and safety topics so that everyone is involved in both their own safety and that of the people around them

♦  Sharing good practices and preventing dangerous situations before an accident occurs

♦  Safety visits to identify strengths and areas for improvement on-site.

For more information, please visit the source website below.

Source: Veolia

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