New Chairman at Flender China 弗兰德中国区官宣新任领导人 Go back »

2021-07-20 | Tianjin

New Chairman at Flender China 弗兰德中国区官宣新任领导人

Flender China has a new Chairman. As of April 1, 2021, Dr.-Ing. Jianhui Gou joined Flender Group and has been appointed as Chairman of Flender China.

Prior to his appointment as Chairman of Flender China Dr. Gou has worked as Managing Director and President at various industrial companies such as Schaeffler Greater China, NGC, Knorr-Bremse Rail Transportation China and PMC by Shanghai Electric Group.

Dr.-Ing. Jianhui Gou on his appointment, ‘It is my great pleasure and honor to join Flender Group. Flender has been the worldwide market and technology leader for over 120 years, and I am fully convinced for Flender’s high development potential and bright future through our teamwork. I am looking forward to the joint success with our Flender team, our customers, and our suppliers.

Flender Group CEO Andreas Evertz points out, ‘With Dr. Jianhui Gou we found a well experienced industry expert who will continue the successful path of Flender China. His knowledge and our cutting-edge technology, high reliability, premium quality and our passionate Chinese team will provide a great basis for gaining even greater scope for action to fully develop our strengths and offer our customers the best value.’ 





弗兰德集团首席执行官Andreas Evertz先生指出:“我们找到了一位经验丰富的行业专家,勾建辉博士将继续领导弗兰德中国的成功之路。他的专业知识将和弗兰德先进的技术、高度的可靠性、优秀的产品品质以及充满激情的中国团队一起,更加充分地发挥我们的优势,并为我们的客户提供最好的服务奠定坚实的基础。”

Source: Flender GmbH

For more information please contact

Dr.Dennis Geers

Tobias van der Linde