Members News

2018-09-10 > Beijing

Scania and Stockholm School of Economics in new partnership

Scania will contribute to a new research centre at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE) over the next ten years. The collaboration will focus on business models for the future transport ecosystem.

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2018-09-07 > Beijing

Exercises with stock options of Nokia Corporation and registration of new shares

Based on Nokia Corporation's 2011 Stock Option Plan a total of 17 500 Nokia shares were subscribed for between July 28 and September 3, 2018.

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2018-09-06 > Beijing

Bayer completes biggest acquisition in its history

Bayer successfully completed the biggest acquisition in its history in the second quarter of 2018, while operational performance improved, even without taking into account the newly acquired Monsanto business.

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2018-09-06 > Beijing

Siemens secures excellent bond conditions with strong demand

After a five-year absence, Siemens has made an impressive return to the euro capital market. For its new bonds, the company generated very strong demand of €6.8 billion.

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2018-09-05 > Beijing

Extension of the exit offer by Fincantieri Oil & Gas for the remaining VARD shares

FINCANTIERI S.p.A. announces that, in relation to the exit offer by its subsidiary Fincantieri Oil & Gas S.p.A. for all the issued ordinary shares in the capital of Vard Holdings Limited other than those already owned.

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2018-09-04 > Beijing

必维与海南质监局签署备忘录 对标国际提高海南检验检测基础能力

8月29日,必维集团(Bureau Veritas,简称“必维”)与海南省质监局签署备忘录,将围绕质量、健康、安全、环境等方面开展测试、检测、认证和咨询服务工作.

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2018-09-04 > Beijing

Michelin: Movements at the head of the mobility experience and motorsport business line

Pascal Couasnon becomes Director of the Mobility Experience Business Line, replacing Alexandre Taisne, while also maintaining the supervision of the Motorsport Business Line (Competition) which he is currently directing.

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2018-09-04 > Beijing, Shanghai

施耐德电气出席医院后勤管理上海论坛 助力医院后勤智慧生态建设


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2018-09-03 > Beijing

Stora Enso’s Shareholders’ Nomination Board composition

The Stora Enso Shareholders’ Nomination Board has been established to exist until otherwise decided.

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