Member Analyses, March 18 - 22 2013: National People's Congress Go back »

2013-03-19 | All chapters

From Brunswick Group: The wrap-up includes a review of Xi Jinping’s first four months in office, the new State Council leadership team, the recently announced government restructuring plan and also Brunswick’s take on some of the broad implications for business. Access the report here.

Brunswick's review of the 18th Party Congress held in November last year is available here.

From APCO Worldwide: This year's NPC saw the new government begin to take shape as key personnel appointments and changes to China's governing structures were announced. While there were few concrete policy outcomes, the newly appointed President, Xi Jinping, and Premier, Li Keqiang, ended the Congress with hints about their government's future policy direction.

APCO's analysis of the NPC highlights the main outcomes and implications for foreign business, and is accessible here.


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