European Chamber’s annual conference brings business and government together in Beijing to discuss China’s ‘Road to Reform’ Go back »

2013-05-09 | All chapters

European Chamber’s annual conference brings business and government together in Beijing to discuss China’s ‘Road to Reform’

Beijing, 9th May 2013 – More than three quarters of European businesses in China believe that improvements in regulatory transparency and rule of law will be the most important catalyst for sustained economic growth in China, according to the European Chamber. 

The finding was announced today at the European Chamber’s Annual Conference in Beijing, where more than 200 senior figures from European and Chinese business and politics gathered to discuss the critical issues facing China’s new leadership around the theme of ‘The Road to Reform’.

Davide Cucino, president of the European Chamber, said, “Never before have China and Europe been so integrated and never before has there been such a willingness from Europe and China to cooperate on so many levels. In a globalised economy, stifled demand and growth in one major bloc impacts everyone. The current economic downturn in Europe has certainly been felt in China. What the crisis really shows is that everyone’s interests are brought together. It is in everyone’s interests to have a prospering European economy, as it is in everyone’s interests to have a thriving Chinese economy. The world needs China to continue to maintain strong growth and to make the transition to a high-income economy. Opportunities for China that can be found in urbanisation, financial and economic reform and greater integration into international political and economic systems offer significant benefits for everybody.”

President Cucino continued, “It is also important to remember that the ‘Road to Reform’ is one with many travelers. We all share a common destination but at times the road to get there will be a bumpy one. That is why high-level events like today’s European Conference are so important. It brings a cross-section of some of the most important stakeholders together and allows for frank discussions, debate, awareness and most important understanding.

The European Chamber’s annual conference, “The Road to Reform”, taking place in Beijing today brought together 25 leading China experts from politics, business and academia to discuss the critical issues that lie ahead for China's new leadership. Topics under discussion included the challenges to achieve financial, economic and legal reforms, the process of urbanization in China, and China’s evolving role in global affairs. Keynote speakers included:

Markus Ederer, Ambassador, EU Delegation to China

Jens Ruebbert, Vice President, European Chamber

Sun Yongfu, Director General, European Affairs Department, Ministry of Commerce

Wei Jianguo, Secretary-General of China International Economic and Exchange Center, Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce

Annie Wu Suk-ching,  CPPCC Standing Committee member, Chairman of World Trade Centers Association Hong Kong

Klaus Rohland, Country Director for China, Mongolia and Korea, World Bank

Hamid L Sharif, Country Director for China, Asian Development Bank

Liu Jian, Vice President, ZTE Corporation

Li Tie, Director General, China Center for Urban Development, National Development and Reform Commission

Jiang Kejun, Director, Energy System Analysis and Market Analysis Research Center, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission

Wu Jianmin, Executive Vice Chairman, China Institute for Innovation and Development Strategy 

Tian Wei, Moderator and Host, CCTV News

Wang Feng, Director, Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy

Jonathan Woetzel, Director, McKinsey Greater China

Raphael Schoentgen, President, GDF SUEZ China

David Brett, President Asia Pacific, Amadeus 

Mats Harborn, Vice President, European Chamber

Markus Borchert, President Greater China, Nokia Siemens Networks

Bertrand de La Noue, Chairman, Total (China) Investments

Hera K Siu, President, SAP China

Joerg Wuttke, Chairman of the BIAC China Task Force at Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD

Liu Ken, Policy Monetary Department II, People's Bank of China

Chen Xingdong, Managing Director and Chief Economist, BNP Paribas China

Xu Xiaonian, Professor of Economics, CEIBS

Zhang Weiying, Professor of Economics, Peking University, Expert at Unirule Institute of Economics

Jamil Anderlini, Bureau Chief Beijing, Financial Times

David Xu, Partner at the Transactions and Restructuring and Head of Private Equity, KPMG China and Hong Kong

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