Meeting with Dr. Long Guoqiang, Member of the Party Committee, DRC Go back »

2014-06-17 | Beijing

Meeting with Dr. Long Guoqiang, Member of the Party Committee, DRC

President Wuttke briefed Dr. Long on major findings of the 2014 Business Confidence Survey, stressing that China has entered the age of “normal” development, and that European businesses are ready to re-inject large-scale investments provided that reforms were well implemented. Mr. Long stated that China has moved away from the traditional comparative advantage of cheap labour, and that upgraded demand from consumers calls for advanced technologies and products, which generates huge potential for European firms.

DRC has begun internal studies for the purpose of drafting the 13th Five Year Plan, and is open to consultation with members of the European Chamber concerning China’s opening-up reforms in the following areas: Shanghai Free Trade Zone, service sector reforms, China’s oversea investment, infrastructure as well as FTA and BIT issues.

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