Chamber welcomes newly appointed State Representative Frederic Cornu and Shenyang Chapter Chairman Harald Kumpfert Go back »

2015-10-13 | All chapters

At the end of September, Bruno Gensburger,  one the Chamber’s three state representatives, stepped down from his role on the Chamber’s Executive Committee as he and his family returned to France. Bruno had been in China for more than 15 years and had served in the Chamber’s Executive Committee previously as vice president as well.  Frederic Cornu, was appointed as the national representative for France upon Bruno’s resignation and therefore will substitute Bruno as one the three state representatives. Frederic Cornu is a former Shanghai board member and former vice-chairman of the Shanghai Chapter.  He has also served as chair or vice-chair of the Environmental working group since 2006.

Also in September, the chairman of the Shenyang Chapter, Florian Schmied, stepped down due to business expansion that will involve greater travel and less time in Shenyang.  The Executive Committee, upon consultation with the Shenyang board, then appointed Harald Kumpfert of Smartheat as the new chairman.  Harold also formerly worked and lived in Shanghai. He met with the Executive Committee at the last board meeting.

The Chamber recognizes and thanks both Bruno and Florian for their outstanding support to the Chamber and wish them the best in their future endeavors.