National News

2015-02-25 > All chapters

European Chamber President meets U.S. Ambassador to China Max Baucus

On Wednesday, 25th February, 2015, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke had a meeting with U.S. Ambassador Max Baucus at the U.S. embassy in Beijing, in order to discuss China’s current business climate.

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2015-02-12 > All chapters

European Chamber Survey on the Economic Impact of Internet Access Restrictions on Foreign Business in China

The European Chamber undertook a survey covering 106 of its member companies to get a better understanding of the ecomomic impact of Internet access restrictions on the foreign business community in China. Please see the results below.

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2015-01-22 > All chapters

European Chamber President speaks before a European Parliament Hearing

On 22nd January 2015, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke had the honour of speaking to the European Parliament at a public hearing of its ‘Committee on International Trade’—a first for a President of the European Chamber.

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2015-01-21 > All chapters

Shanghai Position Paper 2014/2015 launched

For the first time the European Chamber published its Shanghai Position Paper as a standalone publication.

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2014-12-04 > All chapters

Chamber’s News: Greetings from South China

The Chamber Pearl River Delta Chapter, with offices in Guangzhou since 2006 and in Shenzhen since 2007, is now named the “South China Chapter”. The decision was taken by the Executive Committee meeting at the end of November.

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2014-12-01 > All chapters

European Chamber Delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with DG Xu Kunlin, Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly Bureau of NDRC

On the morning of November 28th, 2014, a European Chamber delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Director General Xu Kunlin at the NDRC. The two parties exchanged over issues related to anti-monopoly enforcement and pharmaceutical pricing reforms.

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2014-12-01 > All chapters



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2014-11-28 > Beijing

European Chamber Delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Assistant Minister Wang Shouwen, MOFCOM

On November 28th, 2014, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke and a group of Vice Presidents met with Assistant Minister Wang Shouwen at MOFCOM.

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2014-11-04 > All chapters

President Wuttke’s Op-ed Article is published in the Financial Times

On 4th November 2014, President Wuttke Op-ed “China needs to be placed at the top of the European Commission’s ‘to do’ list” was published in the Financial Times.

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