National News

2019-01-10 > All chapters

President Mats Harborn Delivers Opening Speech at the European Chamber Annual Conference

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China President Mats Harborn delivered a speech at the European Chamber’s Annual Conference commemorating the progress made in the last four decades while also laying bare the challenges on the horizon.

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

Headwinds or Tailwinds? Deepening Reform in the Trade War Era

The first panel of the European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

China’s Innovation Drive: Top-down and Bottom-up

The Second Panel of European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

Economic Outlook and the Impact for Business

The Third Panel of European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2013-12-02 > All chapters

2013 Provincial Quest Programme

Corresponding with China’s current administrative reforms and policy decentralisation, one of the Chamber’s government affairs highlights in 2013 was the official launch of the Provincial Quest Programme.

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2013-11-01 > All chapters

State Council Development Research Centre releases the 383 Reform Scheme for economic and social reforms in China

Recently, China’s top-level think-tank, the State Council Development Research Centre (SCDRC) released a 383 Reform Scheme, sketching out an unprecedented economic and social reform roadmap.

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2013-10-25 > All chapters

Shanghai Free Trade Zone Member Analyses from Deloitte

The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone ("China (Shanghai) Pilot FTZ") is officially launched on 29 September 2013.

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2013-10-22 > All chapters

The European Commission Receives Mandate to Negotiate an Investment Agreement with China

The Ministers of the Foreign Affairs Council adopted a mandate last week on 18th October that will allow the European Commission to negotiate an investment agreement with China.

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2013-10-18 > All chapters

European Tour to Madrid

Presentation of the Position Paper 2013/2014 in Madrid.

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