National News

2017-02-10 > All chapters

President Jörg Wuttke Presents to European Parliament

On 9th February, during the Chamber’s European Tour 2017, President Jörg Wuttke presented both key findings from the Position Paper 2016/2017 and highlights of the much-anticipated study China Manufacturing 2025 before the European Parliament.

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2017-01-24 > Beijing, Shanghai

Chamber Lobby Success: SAFE agrees to set up ‘hotline’ to resolve window guidance concerns

On 23rd January, Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met with Mr Pan Gongsheng, Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China and Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), to discuss the SAFE’s recent window guidance.

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2017-01-05 > All chapters

2016 in Review

This article reviews our key achievements in 2016.

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2014-12-04 > All chapters

Chamber’s News: Greetings from South China

The Chamber Pearl River Delta Chapter, with offices in Guangzhou since 2006 and in Shenzhen since 2007, is now named the “South China Chapter”. The decision was taken by the Executive Committee meeting at the end of November.

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2014-12-01 > All chapters

European Chamber Delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with DG Xu Kunlin, Price Supervision and Anti-Monopoly Bureau of NDRC

On the morning of November 28th, 2014, a European Chamber delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Director General Xu Kunlin at the NDRC. The two parties exchanged over issues related to anti-monopoly enforcement and pharmaceutical pricing reforms.

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2014-12-01 > All chapters



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2014-11-28 > Beijing

European Chamber Delegation led by President Joerg Wuttke met with Assistant Minister Wang Shouwen, MOFCOM

On November 28th, 2014, European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke and a group of Vice Presidents met with Assistant Minister Wang Shouwen at MOFCOM.

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2014-11-04 > All chapters

President Wuttke’s Op-ed Article is published in the Financial Times

On 4th November 2014, President Wuttke Op-ed “China needs to be placed at the top of the European Commission’s ‘to do’ list” was published in the Financial Times.

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2014-11-04 > All chapters

Chamber on CCTV 1's 7pm News

Vice President de la Noue was interviewed by CCTV with the interview subsequently broadcast during CCTV's primetime News at 7pm.

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