National News

2020-02-01 > All chapters

Donations from Members to Support the Fight Against the Novel Coronavirus

If your company has given donations, please send the following information on your donations both in Chinese and English to Ms Michelle Zhang at

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2020-02-01 > All chapters

Statement on the Potential Impact of the COVID-19

Also on this page, real-time numbers of confirmed cases in China and epidemic curve from 13th January till now.

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2020-01-28 > All chapters

Coronavirus Updates and Urgent Request for Medical Supplies

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the European Chamber office will remain closed until [at least] 2nd February. If your company could provide the following medical supplies and would be interested in exporting them, please contact us.

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2010-12-01 > All chapters

Foreign, Chinese firms' tax burdens unified

China Daily

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2010-11-29 > All chapters

Hamburg talks to boost ties

China Daily

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2010-11-17 > All chapters

Akzo Nobel switches focus in China

Financial Times

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2010-11-17 > All chapters

Stronger China-EU ties vital: Mandelson

China Daily

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2010-11-17 > All chapters

Healthcare market to top $600b by 2021

Global Times

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