National News

2019-01-15 > All chapters

Secretary General Dunnett Discusses Progress and Challenges in EU-China Relationship on CGTN

On 15th January, Adam Dunnett, Secretary General of the European Chamber, was invited on CGTN’s The Point to discuss EU-China Trade.

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

President Mats Harborn Delivers Opening Speech at the European Chamber Annual Conference

European Union Chamber of Commerce in China President Mats Harborn delivered a speech at the European Chamber’s Annual Conference commemorating the progress made in the last four decades while also laying bare the challenges on the horizon.

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

Headwinds or Tailwinds? Deepening Reform in the Trade War Era

The first panel of the European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

China’s Innovation Drive: Top-down and Bottom-up

The Second Panel of European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2019-01-10 > All chapters

Economic Outlook and the Impact for Business

The Third Panel of European Chamber Annual Conference 2018

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2012-12-06 > All chapters

Europe says China's latest bid to join procurement agreement "highly disappointing"

China's proposed terms to join a global agreement on government purchases are "highly disappointing" and cover only 2-3 percent of its public procurement market, a European Union trade lobby group said on Thursday.

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2012-12-01 > All chapters

The future of foreign investment

European industry, in general, is doing well in China. Our profits and revenues in most industry sectors continue to grow and are reaching levels comparable to other regions in the world. The strategic importance of China for our companies is increasing and our investments have brought major benefits to the Chinese economy and Chinese society. These are important points to make, but this success story all too often gets lost regulatory complaints and, increasingly frequently, in trade disputes because there still remains a dormant potential to massively grow the scope of this mutual benefit.

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2012-11-15 > All chapters

Analysts View: Chinese Communist Party unveils new leadership

China's ruling Communist Party unveiled its new seven-man Politburo Standing Committee on Thursday, confirming Xi Jinping's elevation to the no. 1 spot in the line-up and the end of Hu Jintao's 10 years as party boss.

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2012-11-08 > All chapters

China must allow more competition

As the Chinese Communist Party is choosing its new leaders for the next decade, the president of the European Chamber of Commerce in China (ECCC) calls on Beijing to open further the country’s market to foreign companies. Davide Cucino’s tells Europolitics why the Asian giant must open up its market if it wants to achieve sustainable long-term growth. The ECCC’s head is also cautious regarding a possible EU-China free trade agreement (FTA).

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