
2022-12-23 > Nanjing

Season’s Greetings from the European Chamber Nanjing Chapter

European Chamber Nanjing Chapter would like to thank you for your support to us in 2022.

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2022-12-22 > Nanjing

Update on the recent Covid Surge

Over the past weekend, we can see Nanjing is facing the first Covid surge, with more people experiencing symptoms, testing positive, and staying home.

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2022-12-22 > Shenyang

SME policy and business environment in China

On December 22nd 2022, Ms. Ester Cañada Amela, European Chamber Senior Business Manager in European Affairs and Advocacy Manager at the EU SME Centre shared her views on many topics such as the key hurdles encountered by European SMEs in China.

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2022-12-10 > Shenyang

2022 Christmas Market Rang Down the Curtain

Welcome to the Christmas Market jointly held by European Chamber Shenyang Chapter, AmCham China Northeast Chapter and Star Mall on December 10th, 2022.

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2022-11-21 > Shenyang

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter Position Paper Launch Achieved Success

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter invited officials from different consulates and local governments in Shenyang, representatives of member companies and local media to the PP Launch Conference at Conrad Hotel on November 21, 2022.

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2022-11-17 > Nanjing

Great Success: 4th Green & Clean Forum and 9th CSR Awards Ceremony

Nanjing, 16th November 2022 — The 4th Green & Clean Forum and 9th Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Awards Ceremony was held at Kempinski Hotel Nanjing.

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2022-11-16 > Shenyang

Tesla Technology Sharing Salon

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter organized colleagues from member companies to visit Tesla Hunnan Service Centre. Mr. Liang SONG, the Regional External Affairs Manager from the new member company of European Chamber, shared some hot themes.

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2022-11-14 > Shenyang

European Chamber Online Sharing on Skiing Injury Protection

European Chamber Shenyang Chapter specially invited Mr. YU, manager from partner company SupReha, to deliver a sharing session on “Ski & Snowboard Injury Conditions and Preventive Strategies” with the aim at letting people enjoy winter sports safely.

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2022-11-13 > Shenyang

French Language Salon

As a part of the cultural exchange of "City Attractiveness", European Chamber Shenyang Chapter held a French language sharing salon on November 13th 2022.

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