
2017-08-18 > All chapters

Stance on State Council Document No. 39

On 16th August, 2017, the State Council released Several Measures for Promoting Foreign Investment Growth (State Council Document No. 39 or Guofa [2017] No. 39).

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2017-07-19 > All chapters

The Chamber’s stance on President Xi’s statement to the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs

The European Chamber welcomes President Xi’s acknowledgment during the meeting of the Central Leading Group on Financial and Economic Affairs on 17th July, of the important contribution that foreign investment has made to China’s development.

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2017-07-17 > Beijing

The Impact of Big Data: MERICS Presents on China’s Future National Social Credit System

Björn Conrad, Vice President of Research at the Mercator Institute for Chinese Studies (MERICS), travelled from Berlin to present their organisation’s recently released report on social credit.

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2017-07-13 > Beijing

European Chamber Lauds “Exceptional” Openness of China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE)

The European Chamber hosted its financial services conference. The keynote speech was delivered by Deputy Governor of the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) and Administrator of China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), Mr Pan Gongsheg.

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2017-07-13 > Beijing

Presentation and Discussion: How to Reform China's Overburdened Health Care Sector

On 13th July 2017, the European Chamber held an event on the ongoing Chinese healthcare reform. Keynote speaker Professor Cai Jiangnan, director of the Centre for Health Care Management and Policy at the CEIBS, shared his findings.

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2017-07-05 > All chapters

Revised Foreign Investment Catalogue Falls Short of Expectations

The European Chamber recognises that the restructuring of the Foreign Investment Industrial Guidance Catalogue (Foreign Investment Catalogue) brings some welcome clarification to investors.

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2017-06-27 > All chapters

Report: Protectionism on the Rise, EU Successful in Countering Barriers

The Commission succeeded last year in removing as many as 20 different obstacles hindering European exports.

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2017-06-26 > All chapters

EBO WWN Held Annual General Meeting

Adam Dunnett (EBO China), Almut Roessner ( EBO Vietnam), Renato Pacheco Neto ( EBO Brazil), Freddie Hoeglund (EBO Taiwan), and Ramon Bruessler (EBO Laos) were elected to the board.

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2017-06-14 > Beijing

The Inaugural EUCCC Cup Raises over RMB 15,000 for Local Orphanage Alenah’s Home

The EUCCC Cup brought together 16 teams representing 14 companies, with over 600 attendees joining the event over the course of the day.

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