
2013-10-08 > All chapters

Shanghai free-trade zone launched

A free-trade zone in Shanghai, China's economic hub, has been launched as the world's second-biggest economy prepares to test long-awaited economic reforms.

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2013-10-08 > All chapters

Shanghai Free Trade Zone to Include Significant Foreign Investment Liberalisation

Three days following the State Council release of the General Plan for the Shanghai free trade zone on 27th September, which will serve as the policy framework for the zone, the Shanghai municipal government released a number of administrative measures relating to foreign and overseas investment filing on 30th September.

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2013-10-08 > All chapters

European Tour to Athens

European Chamber Vice-President and Shanghai Board Chairman Stefan Sack visited Athens on 30th September as part of the 2013 European Tour.

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2013-09-20 > All chapters

European Tour to Brussels - Day Three

This year's visit to Brussels comes to an end after the third day of meetings on 18th September.

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2013-09-18 > All chapters

European Tour to Brussels - Day Two

The highlight of the second day in Brussels is meeting with Karel De Gucht, Commissioner of DG TRADE.

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2013-09-17 > All chapters

European Tour to Brussels - Day One

Following the official launch of the European Business in China Position Paper on 5th September, a Chamber delegation, led by President Davide Cucino, travels to Europe. This continues the tradition of annual visits to Brussels and other European capitals and cities in order to present this important document to senior figures from EU Member States.

This year the delegation will have over 80 meetings in 14 cities. The objective of these meetings is to ensure that the Chamber's most important messages are heard and understood by key figures in Europe in the fields of politics, business, media and academia.

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2013-09-13 > All chapters

European Tour to Vienna and Berlin

On 11th and 12th September, European Chamber Delegation visits Vienna and Berlin to present Position Paper 2013/2014.

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2013-09-13 > South China

European Chamber Position Paper Launch in Guangzhou

On September 11th, 2013 the European Chamber Position Paper launch in Guangzhou gathered large number of participants representing the European companies operating in Guangdong, high level representatives of Guangdong government as well as European Consuls General and Trade Commissioners. The Launch received a great attention and coverage by local media such us Guangdong TV, radio, newspapers and internet media.

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2013-09-06 > Shenyang

The "Welcom Back Networking in Shenayng" was held at Shangri-la Hotel Shenyang on September 2nd.

The "Welcom Back Networking in Shenayng" was held at Shangri-la Hotel Shenyang on September 2nd.There were about 80 people participated in the party, mingling with old and new business contacts. Mr. Florian Schmied, the BOD Chair of EUCCC-SY, made an opening speech for the party and gave gifts to the lucky person through lucky draw. Miss Coral Gao, the general mananger of EUCCC-SY, presided over the party .

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