
2014-09-09 > All chapters


2014年9月9日,北京 — 在仅仅两年的执政时间里,中国新一代领导人已经为改革打下了坚实的基础。然而,既定方针的实施才是下一阶段最关键的环节,同时实施起来也并非易事。中国欧盟商会于今日发布第十四版重要立场性文件——《欧盟企业在中国建议书2014/2015》,期望中国领导人坚定且紧凑地实施三中全会《决定》中的主要精神以避免发生经济和社会危机,并使中国朝着更加可持续、开放以及公平的方向前进。

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2014-08-29 > All chapters

European Chamber releases statement on rumours about joint venture requirements for auto components industry in China

Based on requests for comment on rumours about potential new requirements from authorities for foreign automotive parts suppliers in China to form joint ventures, the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (European Chamber) is pleased to provide a statement on the issue.

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2014-08-29 > All chapters



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2014-08-25 > All chapters

President Wuttke on CCTV

European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke was on the panel of CCTV News’ Dialogue programme entitled ‘China’s Auto Anti-Monopoly Crackdown’, which was aired on 24th August.

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2014-08-14 > All chapters

European Chamber issued a statement on Anti-Monopoly Law (AML)-related investigations in China

In the statement, the Chamber stated that effective implementation of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (AML) would be beneficial for developing a healthy market economy in China, whilst also noting some concerns of European business on the processes and impartiality of the investigations.

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2014-08-14 > All chapters



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2014-08-13 > All chapters

European Chamber releases statement on China AML-related investigations

Based on numerous requests for comments on AML-related investigations in China, the European Chamber is pleased to provide a consolidated stance covering input received from numerous sectors relating to antitrust investigations conducted over the last year.

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2014-07-07 > All chapters

European Chamber President met German Chancellor Merkel

European Chamber President Joerg Wuttke met German Chancellor Angela Merkel at a German Embassy reception on 7th July and spoke to her about market access problems that European companies face in China.

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2014-07-01 > All chapters

European Chamber Comments on the CSPFTZ Negative List Reduction

The Shanghai Municipal Government has released a revised version of the Negative List. There has been a reduction of 51 items on the list (from 190 to 139 items), a decrease of 27%. The European Chamber has, in turn, drafted a press release in response to this announcement. Please see herein below and as attached.

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