
2012-10-06 > All chapters

The State Advances-The State's Grip on the Economy Has Been Tightening. Could Foreign Pressure Persuade the New Leadership to Reverse Course?

DURING one recent weekend in Shanghai, an enthusiastic crowd of several hundred entrepreneurs gathered in a trendy loft space near the city’s Fudan University. The music was blaring, the lampposts were festooned and a giant banner declared cryptically, in English: “Right here, right now!”

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2012-09-06 > All chapters

European Chamber urges China's new leaders to open up markets

A once-in-a-decade leadership change in Beijing offers a chance to make much needed market access reforms, a European business lobby said on Thursday, warning that China's failure to do so could put at risk sustained growth of its state-led economy.

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2012-09-06 > All chapters

European Business in China Position Paper 2012/2013: Equal Access for All Would Bring about Rebalancing

Beijing, 06 September 2012 – The upcoming leadership transition provides the opportunity to enact much-needed reforms in China’s approach to foreign and domestic private investment, according to the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, which today launched the 13th annual edition of its primary lobbying document, the European Business in China Position Paper 2012/2013.

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2012-09-05 > All chapters

EU-China Business Summit

In parallel to the EU-China Political Summit, the EU-China Business Summit will take place on 20th September 2012 in Brussels. It is the highest-level platform for exchanges between EU and Chinese business and political leaders.

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2012-09-04 > All chapters

EU Business in China

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China will present its annual Position Paper at a special lunch seminar, to be held in Brussels on 18th September, 2012.

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2012-08-01 > All chapters

Investment needs a level playing field

At a time when foreign direct investment in China continues to decline, the need for it and its importance are being called into question. However, as the global economic crisis is far from over, this is a time when, if anything, FDI should continue and increase, not the other way around.

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2012-06-27 > All chapters

Foreign Businesses In China Are Increasingly Concerned About The Future

For a country that has successfully attracted major investments over the years from multinationals as diverse as Starbucks, Intel, Disney and GM, the message from the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China in May was relatively downbeat. Regulatory restrictions hurt business at half of companies that participated in a recent chamber survey; some 22% of the respondents said they may move their projects elsewhere as a result. That comes on top of consecutive year-on-year declines in foreign investment in each of the five months to April, and long-standing concerns about piracy and unfair competition.

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2012-06-25 > All chapters

Change of direction

It was billed as one of the biggest foreign investment deals in China in recent times. But little did those who had gathered in Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi province, on a bright and sunny day in April know the real impact of the $7-billion (5.5 billion euros) Samsung Electronics deal vis-a-vis FDI in China (see page 16-17).
Close on the heels of the South Korean investment came the news that German auto major Volkswagen AG was planning to invest $210 million in an automobile unit in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

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2012-06-19 > All chapters

Thomas Donohue and Dean Garfield: Protectionism Is Back

Thanks to innovation and the people across our economy who power it, the stuff of imagination today becomes reality tomorrow. The tablet computer appeared in "2001: A Space Odyssey" some 40 years before it was in our shoulder bags. Buck Rogers's stage-prop laser guns fought intergalactic villains in the 1930s, decades before scientists in the real world harnessed that power to restore people's eyesight.

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