
2020-05-28 > All chapters

European Chamber Held Annual General Meeting 2020

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) took place on 28th May in Beijing, with members from all chapters joining online for the first time ever.

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2020-05-28 > All chapters

20th Anniversary Website Launches

To celebrate the 20th birthday of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, we launched our dedicated website on 22ndMay.

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2020-05-27 > South China

Shenzhen Entry Policy Interpretation by Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

On 22nd May, the European Chamber South China Chapter organised an online and onsite Q&A session on entry policies relating to Shenzhen with the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau Foreign Visa Department and the Nanshan District Public Security Bureau.

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2020-05-27 > South China

Shenzhen Entry Policy Interpretation by Shenzhen Public Security Bureau

On 22nd May, the European Chamber South China Chapter organised an online and onsite Q&A session on entry policies relating to Shenzhen with the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau Foreign Visa Department and the Nanshan District Public Security Bureau.

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2020-05-22 > All chapters

President Wuttke Joined CGTN’s ‘Two Sessions’ Special Programme

European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke joined a ‘Two Sessions’ special programme on CGTN on 22nd May, together with Professor Yao Yang and Professor Zhu Ning.

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2020-05-15 > All chapters

Facilitation of Chinese Visa Issuance for Foreign Nationals

This week, in an encouraging step by the Chinese Government, the Chamber established another channel to support individuals to obtain visas that can then be used in combination with chartered flights to facilitate their return.

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2020-04-29 > All chapters

Progress Made Regarding Return of Foreign Nationals to China

On 9th April, European Chamber President Jörg Wuttke wrote to Foreign Affairs Minister Wang Yi, requesting his assistance to ease the recently imposed entry restrictions to China for foreign nationals.

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2020-04-22 > All chapters

European Infant Formula Industry Refutes Online Rumours of Supply Shortages 欧洲婴幼儿配方乳粉行业驳斥产品供应短缺的网络传言

The European infant formula industry today responded to online rumours that supplies have been disrupted by the COVID-19 outbreak, and that the supplies that are available may have been compromised.

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2020-04-17 > All chapters

#WeAreInThisTogether Media Roundtable

On 13th April, the European Chamber held a cross-chapter online media roundtable with key international and domestic media. Hosted by President Joerg Wuttke, this meeting was attended by chairs of all local chapters.

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