
2019-05-10 > Nanjing

European Chamber Nanjing Chapter Board Election Announcement

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Nanjing Chapter, is pleased to announce the results of the 2019 board election which took place on 22nd April.

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2019-05-09 > All chapters

Advisory Council Meeting with European Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič

European Chamber Vice President Charlotte Roule and Advisory Council members met with European Commission Vice President Maroš Šefčovič

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2019-04-30 > South China

European Chamber South China Chapter Board Election Announcement

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, South China Chapter, is pleased to announce the results of the 2019 board election which took place on 22nd April in Guangzhou.

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2019-04-17 > South China

European Chamber Released South China Position Paper 2019/2020

European Chamber released South China Position Paper 2019/2020, presenting the concerns, assessments and recommendations of European Chamber members doing business in South China. The launch event was held on 10th April in Guangzhou.

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2019-04-17 > All chapters

Secretary General Dunnett and Amcham China Chairman Stratford Discuss Cooperation and Competition with China

On 17th April, European Chamber Secretary General (SG) Adam Dunnett and Chairman of Amcham China Tim Stratford sat down with CGTN's Tian Wei to discuss how to do business despite of trade tensions.

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2019-04-11 > All chapters

General stance on the EU-China Summit 2019 Joint Statement

It is important that the EU and China were able to agree on the contents for a joint statement. Many of the points raised are significant and have been longstanding advocacy issues for the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China.

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2019-04-10 > South China

European Chamber report provides recommendations to accelerate development in South China and increase EU-China cooperation

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China today released South China Position Paper 2019/2020, its second local paper presenting the concerns, assessments and recommendations of European Chamber members doing business in the region.

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2019-04-10 > South China



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2019-04-09 > All chapters

Secretary General Dunnett Advocates for EU-China Aviation Safety Cooperation and Calls for Greater Market Opening in Other Safety-related Services and Agriculture

As the 21st EU-China Summit got underway in Brussels, Secretary General Adam Dunnett sat down with CGTN’s Su Yuting to discuss EU-China cooperation and competition.

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