Archive for 2017

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to join the next joint Automotive and Auto Components Working Group Meeting: KPMG 2017 Global Automotive Survey at 9:00-10:30, 2nd June, 2017 at the meeting room of European Chamber Beijing office

  • 2017-06-02 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • Sennheiser Room, EUCCC
Members only

The automotive industry is going through major changes in the coming years. Disruptive technology will have their roles in shaping this industry. China’s automotive industry and structures are young and much more flexible compared to mature markets. Chinese executives are not bound in ‘old’ structures and believe in change and therefore much more in the impact to all segments. In addition, better connectivity enables them to co-ordinate established trends such as car-sharing and pooling schemes, which make better use of space in densely populated areas. As urbanization continues and as the Chinese economy and car sales experience slower growth, customer data could also become more lucrative than vehicle sales.

  • 2017-06-02 - 2017-06-02 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204, 333 Middle Huaihai Road, Shui On Plaza, Shanghai
Members only

为什么观众看我的 PPT 没有耐心? 为什么老板批评我的 PPT 不知所云? 为什么我用心的做每一页幻灯片却没有好评?
不是您的工作出了问题,而是您的 PPT 表达不够完善!我们需要 PPT 上的文字更有逻辑性, 让 PPT 中的数据更有说服性, 让 PPT 的演示完美的带动听众的思路!
我们的课程会从 PPT 的呈现力入手,帮助您有条理的构建 PPT 逻辑,有重点的突出 PPT 的 内容,有目的的引导听众思路,让您的工作报告更加清晰明确。
我们的目标是:让 PPT 开口说话!

  • 2017-06-01 | 09:00 - 17:30
  • European Chamber, Shanghai Office

PowerPoint design and presentation advanced skills 幻灯片设计制作进阶与提升

  • 2017-05-26 - 2017-05-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Champagne Meeting Room, 3F, Sofitel Hotel Chongqing 重庆申基索菲特酒店三楼香槟厅

PowerPoint design and presentation advanced skills 幻灯片设计制作进阶与提升

  • 2017-05-25 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Crowne Plaza Chengdu City Center, 2nd Floor, Huanhua Room

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to the exclusive dialogue with Shanghai Transport Commission on the supervising information platform for the transportation of dangerous goods from 09:30-10:45 on 25th May 2017.

  • 2017-05-25 | 09:30 - 10:45
  • Conference Room 1108, Shanghai Transport Commission
Members only

The European Chamber sincerely invites you to a policy interpretation on the new regulations for foreigners.
With the support of the Huangpu Commerce Commission, Ms. Wan Yi, from the Visa Department of Bureau of Exit–Entry Administration, Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau will share the latest updates regarding visa regulations for foreigners in Shanghai.

  • 2017-05-23 | 14:30 - 16:30
  • European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shanghai office
Members only


  • 2017-05-23 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Courtesy of PwC China Shenzhen Office

Is your message moving them to action? Poor presentations lead to unproductive meetings and worse, to lost business opportunities. This one- day course teaches participants the tactics to employ in order to persuade others to buy into your idea, your product or your way of thinking.

  • 2017-05-23 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • FranklinCovey Beijing Training Room

The European Chamber is pleased to invite you to the first session of this year’s Cybersecurity Compliance Series: China’s Personal Information Protection Framework and Latest Developments on Cybersecurity Review. It will be held on Monday 22nd May, 2017, from 13h to 15h at the European Chamber Beijing and Shanghai offices.

  • 2017-05-22 | 13:00 - 15:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only