Archive for 2018

The Standards & Conformity Assessment Working Group is glad to invite you to the next Working Group meeting and elections, that will take place on Tuesday, 27th March, 2018, 10:00-12:00 at the European Chamber Beijing Office.

  • 2018-03-27 | 10:00 - 12:00
  • European Chamber office Beijing
Members only

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to join its Human Resources Working Group Meeting: Chair Election, Annual Review and Position Paper Discussion. During this Working Group meeting, the 2018/2019 Chair elections will be held, followed by a review of HR Working Group Activities in 2017. We will also have a discussion on the 2018/2019 Human Resources Position Paper and the upcoming HR Working Group Activities.
We encourage as many of our members as possible to attend to have their say in the leadership and representation of the Working Group in the year ahead.

  • 2018-03-27 - 2018-03-27 | 09:00 - 11:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204
Members only

Dear Working Group Members,

On 19 December, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) launched its much-awaited national carbon emissions trading scheme for companies in the power sector. This will be covering around 3 billion tonnes of emissions, representing around a third of China’s national emissions.

  • 2018-03-26 | 09:30 - 11:30
  • European Chamber Office Beijing, 4th Floor, Room C412
Members only
Beijing > Working Group Meeting

Investment Working Group Meeting and 2018-2019 Chair Elections

The European Chamber would like to invite you to the next Investment Working Group meeting held on Monday 26th March 2018, from 16:00-18:00am at the European Chamber’s Beijing and Shanghai offices.

  • 2018-03-26 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • European Chamber office Beijing
Members only
Shanghai > Working Group Meeting

Investment Working Group Meeting and 2018-2019 Chair Elections

The European Chamber would like to invite you to the next Investment Working Group meeting held on Monday 26th March 2018, from 16:00-18:00am at the European Chamber’s Beijing and Shanghai offices.

  • 2018-03-26 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai
Members only

The European Chamber is delighted to welcome Lauri Myllyvirta from Greenpeace, Xie Yanmei from Gavekal Dragonomics and Ether Yin from Trivium/China to explain what has driven this reduction in pollution and assess to what extent lasting systemic changes have taken place. Are local officials likely to return to their old habits or will a stepped-up central inspection campaign lead to continued enforcement (overzealous or otherwise) of this winter's anti-pollution measures?

  • 2018-03-23 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center, 3rd Floor, Hangzhou Room

Dear Auto Components Working Group Members,

The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to join Auto Components Working Group Meeting: China’s Auto Industry in the Age of Disruption - The Birth of the “Automobility” Business Model and 2018/2019 Chair Election at 9.00-11.00 am, 23rd of March 2018 at the European Chamber Shanghai Office. During the meeting, we will hold the Elections for the Auto Components Working Group Chairperson and Vice Chairpersons firstly. Then, Mr. Bill Russo, Founder & CEO of strategy and investment advisory firm Automobility Ltd will share his perspective on the future of mobility.

  • 2018-03-23 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office
Members only


  • 2018-03-22 | 13:30 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Conference Room

The speakers will share their own experiences and best practice advice from different perspectives, providing a comprehensive overview of how companies can use marketing automation strategy to increase marketing ROI.关于martech及营销方法论,解决方案及案例的中文讲座

  • 2018-03-22 | 14:00 - 17:00
  • 深圳市福田区中心四路1-1号嘉里建设广场三座31楼汇丰银行

European Chamber cordially invites you to join Erik Jonnaert, Secretary General of the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) on March 22 for a discussion on Urban mobility: Smart solutions for smart cities, in which Erik will address these challenges and opportunities during his speech.

  • 2018-03-22 | 15:00 - 16:10
  • Rosewood Beijing Hotel, Salon 202, 2nd Floor