Archive for 2019


  • 2019-11-03 - 2020-11-04 | 09:00 - 18:00
  • Shenzhen

The annual China Inbound-Outbound Forum was established in 2014 amidst rapid growth of the “go global” movement of Chinese enterprises. Focusing on the modes, trends and issues of Chinese firms’ global expansion, the forum was designed as a policy communication platform for leading experts in Chinese outbound direct investment (ODI) at home and abroad. For five consecutive years, the annual conference has been hailed as one of the most popular and influential forums in China. Each year, the forum drew an average audience of 300 and considerable nationwide media attention, especially from top outlets such as CCTV.

  • 2019-11-02 - 2019-11-03 | 09:00 - 21:00
  • China World Hotel


  • 2019-10-31 | 09:30 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office

Power Business Intelligence Desktop商业智能分析桌面版软件,以下简称Power BI Desktop。它是微软官方推出的可视化数据探索和交互式报告工具。核心理念就是让我们用户不需要强大的技术背景,只需要掌握Excel这样好用的工具就能快速上手商业大数据分析及可视化。Power BI在推出的短时间内就受到企业的青睐和广泛使用,覆盖零售、保险、制造、交通、教育等各行各业。
本课程主要培训数据分析与数据呈现的Power BI软件应用技能,培养满足企业岗位需要的数据分析与可视化技能,具备良好的数据处理、数据建模分析、数据可视化能力。

  • 2019-10-30 - 2019-10-31 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Park

The corporate environment and occupational safety management system requires an integrated internal auditor who is familiar with both standards. At the same time, the company found that environmental management factors and sources of danger are dynamically changing, which requires the internal auditing experience of the management system internal auditors. This course will focus on improving the internal auditor’s auditing skills to find continuous improvement opportunities and methods for the operation of the enterprise system.

  • 2019-10-30 - 2019-10-31 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • TÜV莱茵深圳办公室 | TÜV Shenzhen Office

Social media age, how to handle crisis properly

  • 2019-10-29 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Tianjin Office


  • 2019-10-26 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Downtown, to be confirmed

leadership - Invest in your talent

  • 2019-10-23 - 2019-10-24 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Beijing Chapter, 4th Floor, Office C405, Lufthansa Centre

TED 演讲从 1984 年创立到现在,留下了无数脍炙人口的经典演讲。而能在短短 18 分钟之内,浓缩精华,传递思想,影响他人,改变世界,正是 TED 的魅力所在。

  • 2019-10-19 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Shanghai

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theme of the Science Year 2019 in Germany. AI is probably the most exciting future technology of our time. AI indeed will change our lives and daily routine, our work, and our society. As the Research University in the Helmholtz Association, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) aligns its major research areas with the large challenges society is facing nowadays. Future-oriented topics such as the interaction of humans and machines, Industry 4.0, autonomous driving, humanoid robotics and speech comprehension are central AI issues that involve a wide variety of disciplines at KIT. 德国2019科学年的主题是人工智能。人工智能可能是我们这一时 代诞生出的最为动人心弦的科技。的确,人工智能将改变我们 的生活、日常习惯,我们的工作和我们的社会。作为亥姆霍兹 联合会的一员,卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院(KIT)的研究领域与当今 社会的重大挑战保持一致。KIT多种专业方向与人工智能的核心 问题有关,比如人机互动、工业4.0、无人驾驶等面向未来发展 的主题。

  • 2019-10-14 | 09:15 - 16:30
  • Suzhou Silu Production Engineering Services Co., Ltd