Archive for 2019

Globally, there are over one billion people with disabilities. They are now more active in our society than ever before. Yet employment rates are low and many barriers to work still exist. An increasing number of companies are becoming aware of the potential people with disabilities bring to the workplace. Not only do people with disabilities constitute a large untapped source of talent, but companies have a lot to benefit from diverse workforces.
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to welcome you to a seminar where top voices in the disability inclusion landscape in China will share with participants best practices to start the journey of disability inclusion in the workplace and the legalities to take into consideration.

  • 2019-09-09 | 15:00 - 17:10
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204

Seminar: China IP 2020-2050 – Optimising for the BRI, CMI in light of ongoing US-China Trade Dispute

  • 2019-09-05 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • The Executive Centre, 25F, Building 8, Chongqing Corporate Avenue 重庆企业天地8号楼25层德事商务中心

If you are breached and your case goes to litigation, you will most probably be asked to demonstrate that you had controls in place. Authorities will ask a set of questions that help companies find out whether the controls were reasonable. These questions are similar to information security risk assessments; they both try to balance the likelihood and impact of potential cyber threats.
During this presentation, the speakers will explain how to conduct risk assessments that prepare you to answer the questions that authorities may ask you, before you need to be asked.

  • 2019-09-05 | 09:00 - 11:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Shui On Plaza, Unit 2204

Under the indeterminately (VUCA) external environment , the enterprise development strategy is changing all the time; the job responsibilities and job requirements are gradually getting more flexible and fuzzier; the ways that employees creating value are more diversified; the outcomes of employees’ value creation are no longer stable; the external market has further affected the income; the conflict of salary differences between fresh and old employees have become increasingly prominent; and the new generation of employees’ eager of growth and identification has become more and more strong... This question poses a high challenge of how the compensation incentive system can achieve dynamic adjustment and differentiation.

  • 2019-09-05 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Meeting Room 5, 7th Floor, Intercontinental Hotel, Nanjing绿地洲际酒店7层5号会议室

Seminar: China IP 2020-2050 – Optimising for the BRI, CMI in light of ongoing US-China Trade Dispute

  • 2019-09-04 | 14:30 - 17:00
  • Boardroom, The Executive Centre, 33F, Office Tower II, Yintai Centre 银泰中心2号写字楼33层 德事商务中心会议室

Sports marketing is going through one of the most radical periods the industry has experienced. From significant shifts in sports rights to the way brands collaborate with teams and associations, and the power athletes have to control their own brand. The impact of sports marketing on brand perception is more powerful than it has ever been before.
Get inside track knowledge from the experts on future trends in the sports industry and take away valuable insights that are directly applicable to your business.

  • 2019-09-03 | 15:00 - 17:55
  • The Desk

SKY HIGH SUMMER SPLASH - Sunset to Midnight Pool Party

  • 2019-08-31 | 17:30 - 23:59
  • Top Swimming Pool, 54 Floor, The Westin Chongqing Liberation Square 重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店54层天际游泳池

Dear Members and Friends,

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is thrilled to invite you to join Charity Party- ‘Maple Leads Charity, Alliance for Love’ on August 30th, 2019 from 18:00 to 20:00. The party is organised by our member Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals School Dalian, supported by the European Chamber. The purpose of the event is to support the unfortunate indiviuals and groups through the donation to the Hope Project and Dalian Guangxiang Fund.



  • 2019-08-30 | 18:00 - 20:00
  • KFQ campus, Maple Leaf Foreign Nationals School-Dalian

China's Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) published the draft Export Control Law for public comments via a circular on 16th June 2017. If enacted, the China's new Export Control Law will be the first set of comprehensive and unified export control legislation in China, which is aimed at upgrading the country's existing regime consisting of various administrative regulations and rules.
In March 2019, the State Council issued its legislative proposal for 2018. Amongst the proposed bills for submission to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress this year is the Export Control Law. There is no guarantee that this bill will be passed into law this year but it is high on China’s priority list and is widely expected to be enacted within the calendar year.
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China welcomes Courtney Zhou, Consultant at Control Risks and Baker McKenzie to discuss the the latest development of China’s proposed Export Control Law, how the respective lists may be enacted in the continuing trade war, and how business with China be affected by this control scheme.

  • 2019-08-30 | 16:00 - 17:50
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204

As the intensive promulgation of data protection regulations this year, and the soon-to-be-effective Information Security Classified Protection policy this December, China is making a few steps more forward to optimizing the network construction. Business should be aware and informed of these changes and act accordingly either to offer comments to the draft or to comply with local regualtions. 数据安全相关保护条例密集出台,加之2019年12月即将生效的信息安全等级保护制度,都预示着中国正在加紧步伐完善网络安全建设。企业更应密切关注政策法规层面的变化,对法规草案积极建言,同时使企业保持合规。

  • 2019-08-29 | 13:40 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Conference Room