Archive for 2020

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to welcome Yuen Yuen Ang, Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Michigan and author of the book “China’s Gilded Age: the Paradox of Economic Boom & Vast Corruption” for a webinar hosted by David Rennie, Beijing Bureau Chief and Chaguan Columnist at The Economist. Book your seat now and join us for this special webinar on 13th August from 9:00am to 10:15am GMT+8 (12th August 9:00pm-10:15pm EST).

  • 2020-08-13 | 09:00 - 10:15
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform

This Webinar will focus on common cyber fraud and risks exacerbated by the COVID-19 outbreak leading to losses of millions of USD/EURO/RMB. Our speakers will share their insight on how to navigate through these risks, practical steps to decrease risk and a recovery path for those who have already been victims of cyber fraud.

The European Chamber is pleased to welcome Simon Hui, Partner, Baker McKenzie, Gillian Lam, Senior Associate, Baker McKenzie, Angel Gomez de Agreda, Air Force Colonel and Head of Geopolitical Analysis, Spanish Ministry of Defense, and Mikhail Konovalov, Digital Transformation Lead, Bayer to share their expertise and guidelines on the above-mentioned issues. Join us on 2nd July 16:00 (GMT+8).

  • 2020-08-13 | 16:00 - 17:30
  • Online

Amidst rising political tension between the U.S. and China, China's financial sector has been undergoing accelerating transformation towards further opening-up its €39 trillion financial services industry, where even a small fragment of the market may be lucrative. In this sense, the upcoming event comes to show a model example of a foreign company seizing an opportunity and leading the way in what it was an untapped market for foreign companies until now.

The European Chamber is pleased to invite you to the second event of the series "The Future of Finance", which will take place on Monday 10th August 2020 at 4pm (GMT+8) and where Fritz Quinn, VP, Public Affairs and Communications, Japan, Asia Pacific and Australia at American Express, will share with participants American Express' experiencing obtaining the approval for their clearing license in China.

  • 2020-08-10 | 16:00 - 17:00
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to welcome Mareike Ohlberg, Senior Fellow in the Asia Program of the German Marshall Fund for a webinar hosted by Former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer to bring to light the challenges this new Chinese authoritarianism can pose to democracy. Book your seat now and join us for this webinar on 29th July from 4:00pm to 5:15pm GMT+8 (10:00am-11:15am GMT+1).

  • 2020-07-29 | 16:00 - 17:15
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform
National > Webinar

The 2020 AIIB Annual Meeting

The 2020 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank’s (AIIB) Annual Meeting will bring together AIIB’s Governors and Senior Management in a virtual session to connect stakeholders and experts to discuss how to build a more inclusive and resilient tomorrow.

  • 2020-07-28 | 17:00 - 20:00
  • Zoom (On-line Meeting)

In order to answer questions about Guangzhou's entry policy, we have invited officials from the Guangzhou Public Security Bureau, Education Bureau, and the Epidemic Control Group for an exclusive Q&A webinar and to answer our members' questions sent in advance.

  • 2020-07-28 | 15:00 - 17:00
  • Online
Members only

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to welcome Tom Orlik, Chief Economist for Bloomberg Economics and author of the book “China: The Bubble that Never Pops” for a webinar hosted by Zhu Ning, Professor and Deputy Dean at The National Institute of Financial Research (NIFR), Tsinghua University. Book your seat now and join us for this webinar on 28th July from 9:00am to 10:15am GMT+8 (July 27th 9:00pm-10:15pm EST).

  • 2020-07-28 | 09:00 - 10:15
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform

As the financial services market in China continues to open up to foreign firms, foreign banks, insurers, and asset & wealth managers, interesting opportunities begin to arise. There are a number of challenges along the entire life-cycle, from the outset of thinking through the optimal entry strategy, to designing the operating model, through to navigating the local regulatory regime, and eventually building and scaling up a profitable franchise in China.
The European Chamber is delighted to invite you to the first event of the series "The Future of Finance", which will take place on Monday 27th July 2020 at 5pm (GMT+8). Participants can join online via Zoom or in person from the Shanghai Chapter of the European Chamber.

  • 2020-07-27 | 17:00 - 18:30
  • Either offline attendance in the Chamber's office or online through Zoom

Over the past three decades, China has achieved significant economic growth and political rise, whereas little is known about the effort of China's rural labourers and migrants, which has largely enriched the coastal elites, instead of creating the egalitarian, capitalist, society China espouses.

  • 2020-07-24 | 09:00 - 10:30
  • Zoom Online Meeting

The Plant-Based Food & Beverage market was valued at CNY 299 billion in 2019. In the past couple of years, this market has been witnessing considerable growth driven by growing urbanization, improving healthcare services, growing vegan populace and increasing awareness about the environmental crisis.
The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite participants to discover how today’s advances in the food sector enable the plant-based lifestyle, how plant-based foods will meet consumers’ needs in a healthy and sustainable way and the future trends of this sector.

  • 2020-07-24 | 16:00 - 17:20
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform | European Chamber Shanghai Office