Archive for 2020

Introduction of organizational structure and responsibilities of Sichuan BEC; interpretation on the Three-year (2020-2022) Plan for Investment Promotion and Support Policies & Measures for Enterprises responding to the COVID-19 outbreak in Sichuan Province

  • 2020-07-22 | 15:30 - 17:00
  • Meeting Room 2, 3F, Sichuan Provincial Bureau of Economic Cooperation 四川省经济合作局 3楼2会议室

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shenyang Chapter, is thrilled to launch our series of online + offline workshops on Management Pains in Companies. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会荣幸的启动线上线下相结合的公司日常管理痛点系列研讨会。

  • 2020-07-22 | 14:00 - 16:00
  • TBD

China Jiangsu Virtual Forum of Trade in Service, hosted by Jiangsu Department of Commerce, focuses on six topics, namely, software and IT, bio-medicine, cultural creativity, industrial design, exhibituin tourism, and financial services to conduct seminars and project connections.

  • 2020-07-20 | 16:30 - 18:00
  • Shangri-La Hotel Nanjing


  • 2020-07-09 | 14:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Conference Room

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shenyang Chapter, is thrilled to launch our series of online + offline workshops on Management Pains in Companies. 中国欧盟商会沈阳分会荣幸的启动线上线下相结合的公司日常管理痛点系列研讨会。

  • 2020-07-02 | 14:00 - 15:30
  • Meeting Room in Daluntianyu + Zoom

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, Shenyang Chapter, together with Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio and Television of Shenyang, is thrilled to invite you to participate in the Questionnaire on Impression of Shenyang in both English and Chinese. 

  • 2020-07-01 - 2020-07-31 | 09:00 - 17:00

The European Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 2020 Sustainable Business Awards (SBA), once again taking an active role in celebrating companies who put sustainable economic growth, environmental care and social welfare at the forefront of their values. This year the Sustainable Business Awards will take place on 17th September, 2020, broadening the scope of award categories, eligibility requirements and creating a separate application for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), while still committed to transparency and expertise.

Beforehand, we would like to welcome all interested participants, members and non-members of the Chamber, to an information session on Tuesday 30th June at 4:00pm (GMT+8), at our Shanghai office and Online Zoom Platform; to be joined by our SBA knowledge partners, SYNTAO.

  • 2020-06-30 | 16:00 - 18:00
  • Online and European Chamber Shanghai Office, Unit 2204

Affected by the epidemic, economies around the world have been hard hit, forcing many companies to face difficult HR challenges. In these uncertain times, companies must efficiently allocate their human resources by adjusting their internal organization structure and salary structure in order to guarantee long term sustainable development. However, the tasks involved in these adjustments, such as downsizing and salary reduction, are not your common everyday tasks done by your HR team. Many companies lack experience dealing with these types of matters and can open themselves up to legal risks if not handled properly.

  • 2020-06-30 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China South China Chapter is delighted to invite you to the 2020 South China Business Confidence Survey (BCS) Launch and South China Annual General Meeting (AGM) held on 18th June in the Grand Ballroom, Floor 2M, at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, Guangzhou.

Members, Privileged Members and Partners, Consulates, Chinese officials, Guests who want to join European Chamber’s community, as well media friends are all invited to join us for the Board Anniversary Celebration and Business Confidence Survey Launch in South China.

  • 2020-06-18 | 17:00 - 21:00
  • Grand Ballroom, Floor 2M, Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou

2020 was meant to be a "special" year for EU-China relations, with a raft of high-level meetings and summits on the agenda and a major investment agreement near completion, but this was before the world was engulfed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, a high level of tensions: strategic, economic, political... are growing day after day. "These tensions are not conducive to the cooperative spirit that we need today in order to mitigate the consequences of the pandemic and prepare a global recovery," Said by Nicolas Chapuis, the European Union's ambassador to China. It is believed that as a third party, the EU's voice "is more than ever necessary" and that it could be key in providing multilateral solutions.

  • 2020-06-09 - 2020-06-09 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Signature Ballroom B, 3rd Floor, Hilton Beijing | 希尔顿酒店三层里程宫B厅