Archive for 2020

The European Chamber Working Groups are delighted to invite you to our next meeting on the unspoken parts of the 'New Infrastructure Plans', where members will discuss the costs and impacts of new energy vehicles to the logistics industry.

  • 2020-10-14 | 10:00 - 11:30
  • zoom线上会议
Members only

The fragility and interconnectedness of our world powers continues to quickly unravel throughout the pandemic and the impact is clear: a declining economy. Taking this into consideration, key questions arise: who will be the first to break under this ultimate stress test? Looking forward, will the US remain isolated and raise further its national walls? Will China step forward and call for global unity?

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to welcome Francis Fukuyama, Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University and author of Identity: The Demand for Dignity and the Politics of Resentment for a webinar moderated by Ivo H. Daalder, President, Chicago Council on Global Affairs; Former US Ambassador to NATO; Former Director for European Affairs at the National Security Council. Book your seat now and join us for this webinar on Monday 12th October from 9am-10:30am (GMT+8) via Zoom.

  • 2020-10-12 | 09:00 - 10:00
  • Online - Zoom Platform

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to invite Jens Ewert, Partner, Deloitte and National Chair, Investment Working Group, European Chamber and Mary Boyd, Director, Economist Corporate Network Shanghai, The Economist Group to present and take part in an engaging dialogue. Join us 28th September at 4:30pm – 5:15pm (GMT+8) online via Zoom or in our Shanghai office.

  • 2020-09-28 | 16:00 - 17:15
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform and in-person from the European Chamber Shanghai Office

The European Chamber is honored to invite mentors from the initial cycle of the mentoring programme Charlotte Roule, CEO of ENGIE China, Vice President of European Chamber and Denis Depoux, Global Managing Director, Managing Director Greater China, Head of Asia of Roland Berger to share their views on the importance of the women’s representation in leadership teams and how the CIMI can facilitate the female leadership development. This webinar will be moderated by Laurie O'Donnell, Managing Director at Cornerstone International Group.

  • 2020-09-25 | 11:00 - 12:00
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform

During the COVID-19, There are many suppliers in China and they are suffering the fact that many manufacturing companies are doing the relocation and shift their supply chains from China abroad. As a result, many companies are facing issues in the supply chain. We hope to understand the future of the manufactures in South China, as well as what the supply chain will be.

  • 2020-09-25 | 13:30 - 15:30
  • CNIM Transport Equipment (Foshan) Co., Ltd.

The European Chamber is delighted to invite speakers from Alibaba, EY Wavespace and TekID to provide participants with insights on how blockchain is changing the way businesses do business and practical case studies on how companies can utilise blockchain and other new technologies in better protecting their intellectual property rights and manage their supply chain. This seminar will focus on how companies can secure evidence with a new method of notarisation and trace the origins of their goods to reduce counterfeiting using digital tools developed by Alipay and Ant Financial. Our speakers will also discuss the practical examples of how to apply blockchain to solve business challenges, such as drug and vaccine traceability, asset life cycle management and network procurement.

  • 2020-09-24 | 09:30 - 11:50
  • Online - Zoom Online Meeting Platform and in-person from the European Chamber Shanghai Office

The decoupling of the U.S. and Chinese economies is one of the headline risks in U.S.-China relations nowadays. The Trump administration has actively pursued an agenda to bring U.S. manufacturing back to America and separate technology supply chains. At the same time, China is also moving to decouple its technology industry. The Belt & Road Initiative combined with the rise of the digital renminbi will make it even easier for China to grow its exports in other countries.

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to welcome Dan Wang, Technology Analyst at Gavekal Dragonomics to decipher the impact of US-China tech decoupling for business. Dan will speak about US regulatory actions around inbound investment and export controls and how they've affected Chinese technology firms, especially Huawei. This session will take place in-person at the Shanghai office of the European Chamber, lunch boxes will be provided to participants.

  • 2020-09-24 | 12:30 - 13:30
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office, Shui On Plaza, Unit 2204

In light of the rapid spread of Covid-19 across the world, in March 2020 China decided to temporarily suspend entry into the country to foreign nationals holding visas or residence permits. Although recent announcements have shown that China is gradually opening up and easing restrictions, many foreigners still find themselves stuck outside with little indication to when they will be allowed to return.

  • 2020-09-24 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • European Chamber Nanjing Office

First introduced at a politburo meeting in May, the new ‘dual circulation’ strategy (DCS) has immediately become a buzzword and been widely discussed both home and abroad. The strategy envisions a new economic development mode by relying less on global integration and expanding domestic reliance.

2020年5月,中共中央政治局常委会会议首次提出“构建国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局(双循环)”战略。“双循环”战略,旨在 “逐步形成以国内大循环为主体、国内国际双循环相互促进的新发展格局”,在全球经济波动、不稳定因素增加的大背景下,提高国内经济的弹性和自给自足的能力,在刺激内需的同时,继续吸引外资,稳定国际贸易。“双循环”战略的提出,引起海内外的密切注和广泛讨论。

  • 2020-09-23 | 15:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom/European Chamber Office Beijing, Room C405

The European Chamber is honored to invite you to attend the closed-door breakfast seminar with Joerg Wuttke, Vice President and Chief Representative of BASF China, President of European Chamber who is one of the mentors for the Cross-industry Mentor Initiative and his mentee Gloria Zhou, Head of Strategy and Business Portfolio at BP China.

  • 2020-09-18 | 08:30 - 09:30
  • Kempinski Hotel, Beijing