Archive for 2024

Consumer Product Safety Rules in the European Union and the United States -- Focus on Children's Products

  • 2024-03-28 | 08:20 - 16:40
  • Crown Plaza Shenzhen Futian, Shenzhen

With the deepening of certification, enterprises need a group of internal auditors with good quality and ability of environmental management system. The internal auditor can carry out the internal audit work according to the internal audit procedure, help the enterprise to find the problems in the operation process of the system and improve the environmental management system established by the enterprise, which plays an effective role in promoting the pollution prevention and improvement of the enterprise's performance in environmental management.


  • 2024-03-28 - 2024-03-29 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

With the continuous development of economy and society, the quality of products has been highly valued by people. The level of laboratory management plays an extremely important role in product quality control, directly affecting the stability of the company's products, quality improvement and the rapid advancement of new products. It undertakes the important tasks of index control and process research and development. Enterprise laboratory management level and technical ability are challenged by more and more customers, requiring more professional testing reports. In order to meet the challenges, the laboratory should accurately grasp the relevant requirements of ISO/IEC 17025 and establish an effective quality management system according to it. It can not only prove its technical ability to the society and customers, but also realize self-improvement of the laboratory, and constantly improve the detection technology ability, shorten the gap with the authoritative laboratory, to adapt to the new requirements of customers.

随着经济社会的不断发展,产品的质量问题受到了人们的高度重视,而实验室管理水平的高低,对产品质量控制起着极为重要的作用,直接影响着公司产品的稳定性、质量改进以及新产品的快速推进,承担着指标控制和工艺研发的重要任务。企业实验室管理水平和技术能力受到越来越多客户的挑战,要求出具更专业的检测报告。为了应对挑战,实验室应准确地掌握 ISO/IEC 17025相关要求,并按其建立有效的质量管理体系。其不仅可以向社会、客户证明自己的技术能力,而且还可以实现实验室自我改进,并不断提高检测技术能力,缩短与权威实验室差距,适应客户不断提出的新要求。

  • 2024-03-27 - 2024-03-29 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

Social media age, potential crisis is everywhere, customer complaints, safety issues, environmental issues, labor issues, product recall and so on. Companies with an increasingly fierce media landscape changes and an army of self-media eager to express their opinions via wechat and Weibo, that may lead to a reputation crisis and its effects on their brand and even businesses. This is especially true in the digital world, where a new crisis management strategy is a must-have.


  • 2024-03-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • European Chamber Shanghai Office

No matter what position you work in, using software for data analysis has become an essential skill for everyone.
Whether you are engaged in purchasing, marketing, sales, financial analysis or business decision-making, this one-day course aims at various data application problems encountered in data system analysis, and extracts the skills of Excel and related software tools that data analysts need most. It can help you filter and analyze data from a large amount of clueless data and make professional management charts, providing professional and accurate references for your business decisions.

  • 2024-03-26 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online

No matter what position you work in, using software for data analysis has become a necessary skill for everyone, whether you are engaged in purchasing, sales, financial analysis or business decision-making. This course aims at various data application problems encountered in data system analysis, and abstractions Excel and related software tools skills that data analysts need most. It can help you sift data from a pile of clueless data, analyze data and make professional management charts, providing a professional and accurate basis for your business decisions.

  • 2024-03-26 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Teams online

This set of courses for the data system analysis work encountered in a variety of data application problems, extract the data analysts need the most Excel and related software tools skills, can help you from a bunch of clueless data in the data filtering, analysis of data and production of professional management charts, for your business decision-making provides a professional and accurate basis.


  • 2024-03-26 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online Training

By deeply understanding the content of ISO 13485, this course will deepen the understanding of the specific requirements, risk analysis and evaluation, identification and traceability, feedback system, warning system, advisory notice, etc. related to the safety and effectiveness of medical devices. According to the basic principles of auditing, we can audit the internal quality management system, obtain audit evidence, and conduct a correct and objective audit evaluation of ISO 13485 system from the aspects of meeting the requirements of laws and regulations and maintaining an effective quality management system.

本课程将通过深入了解 ISO 13485 标准内容,加深理解医疗器械所特有的与产品安全性有效性有关的特定要求、风险分析和评估、标识与追溯、反馈系统、警戒系统、忠告性通知等;并能按照审核的基本原则,执行内部质量管理体系审核,获取审核证据,从满足法规要求、保持有效的质量管理体系等方面对 ISO 13485 体系进行正确客观的审核评价。

  • 2024-03-25 - 2024-03-27 | 09:00 - 17:00
  • Online Training

By 2024, the era of short videos has emerged. Everyone shops using short videos, and everyone has a short video account. In recent years, our trainer Ulan Tuya has dealt with many public opinion crises triggered by user rights protection. The current trend is that more and more users, when asserting their rights, will prioritize using platforms like Douyin and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) to express their dissatisfaction. This training class will specifically discuss the behavior of user complaints on social media and aim to provide some ideas and methods for companies. 乌兰老师这几年处理了很多用户维权引发的舆情危机。目前的趋势就是,越来越多的用户在维权时,会优先用抖音和小红书来表达不满。随着更多网络平台为用户维权提供专门的发布渠道时,“网上的用户投诉”已经越来越多影响到企业声誉,进而间接或直接影响企业的销售。同时,用户吐槽的负面内容的积累,也会引起媒体和其他人的关注,存在发酵成巨大舆情风险的隐患。本节课,将专门讨论社交媒体上的用户投诉这一行为,希望能够为企业提供一些应对思路和方法。

  • 2024-03-21 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online


  • 2024-03-21 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Teams online