
This course is about the writing skills and typesetting skills of single wechat copywriting, focusing on improving specific writing and operation skills.

  • 2022-05-13 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

This course is about the overall planning, management and operation skills of WeChat public accounts, focusing on improving the overall planning ability.


  • 2022-05-12 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

Course Benefits
• Five design principles:make poster design simple
• Professional tips to help color matching with business sense
• Unlock PPT magic functions comparable to PS
• 五大设计原则让海报设计简单一点
• 专业解读配色理论让配色不再眼花缭乱
• 解锁PPT魔法技能即可媲美PS

  • 2022-04-26 | 13:00 - 17:00
  • Zoom Online

This Excel training suitable for employees who want to improve their work efficiency and master data analysis methods.

  • 2022-04-21 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Zoom Online

Online Training Debriefing the network risks of latest negative public opinion to enterprises

  • 2022-04-08 | 09:00 - 16:00
  • Online via Zoom (Link shall be shared before the training)Online (Zoom link shall be sent to participant's email box before the training) 线上培训(Zoom会议链接将于培训前发到报名邮箱)

Working Group Meeting

  • 2022-03-25 | 15:00 - 15:40
  • Zoom
Members only

English training

Course Description 课程描述
This highly practical session will help you develop strategies and confidence in dealing with all aspects of organising and running meetings in a professional setting where English is the medium of communication.
Participants in the training session will be expected to contribute both orally and in written form throughout the day. For this reason, attendees will be expected to have a minimum level of spoken and written English. PowerPoint slides will be in English only.

参与者将全天参与英语口语以及书面表达训练。因此,参与者需要具备基本的英语口语和书面表达能力。讲师的PowerPoint 课件仅为英文版。

  • 2022-01-24 | 09:25 - 17:30
  • 6+7 Meeting Room, 2F, Block A2, SinoSwiss Technopark (SSTP)

The Advanced Application Tips of Excel
微软Office Excel高级培训

  • 2022-01-12 | 09:00 - 16:30
  • Online - Training link will be shared prior to the training by email 线上课程 - 培训链接将于会议前发送到报名邮箱
Southwest China > Social

10th Anniversary Celebration VIP Dinner

European Chamber 10th Anniversary Party

  • 2010-11-17 | 19:00
  • Crowne Plaza Chengdu

VIP networking dinner (Shangri-la Mooney's bar)

  • 2010-09-21 | 19:00
  • Mooney's bar, Shangri-la Hotel Chengdu