
A1GP World Cup of Motorsport InterChamber Networking

  • 2006-11-08 |
  • A1GP World Cup of Motorsport InterChamber Networking

Environment Protection and Sustainable Development Cocktail Evening

  • 2006-11-08 |
  • Environment Protection and Sustainable Development Cocktail

Arias - A Dinner Gala of Opera

  • 2006-11-04 |
  • Arias - A Dinner Gala of Opera

Monthly Dinner in Chongqing - Visa Issues for Foreigners in Chongqing

  • 2006-10-30 |
  • Monthly Dinner in Chongqing - Visa Issues for Foreigners in

Europa Meets the Americas Party

  • 2006-10-27 |
  • Europa Meets the Americas Party

The European Chamber's 6th Birthday and 1000th Member Party

  • 2006-10-20 | 10:00
  • The European Chamber's 6th Birthday and 1000th Member Party

Monthly Dinner in Chongqing - Visa Issues for Foreigners in Chongiqng

  • 2006-09-27 |
  • Monthly Dinner in Chongqing - Visa Issues for Foreigners in

Dinner in Honour of Minister Bo Xilai

  • 2006-09-04 |
  • Dinner in Honour of Minister Bo Xilai

Monthly Dinner in Chongqing ??Provisions on M. & A. of Chinese Enterprises by Foreign Investors

  • 2006-08-28 |
  • Monthly Dinner in Chongqing ??Provisions on M. & A. of Chi

EUCCC Member Luncheon - The Taiwan Economy and Cross-Straits Business Normalization - Beijing

  • 2006-08-21 |
  • EUCCC Member Luncheon - The Taiwan Economy and Cross-Straits
Members only